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The GeoSpatial Application of Sensor on Android Mobile Devices
作者 史天元
平板電腦及智慧型行動電話等行動裝置上,有許多種感測器。依據感測器所提供觀測量的性質,可大分為「位置」與「物理」兩大類。本文之目的在介紹這些感測器之功能,以及在空間資訊蒐集上可以發揮之功用。感測器之應用,需要使用到微型程式(app)。本文因此亦就感測器基本功能程式、環境空間觀測量以及空間幾何性資料之蒐集程式,就所曾使用過的擇適當者介紹。本文所涵括之程式均屬可免費使用者。 There are many sensors installed on the mobile devices such as tablet computer and smartphones.Based on the type of observations provided by the sensors, there are “positional” and “physical” twocategories. The objective of this article is to introduce the function of these sensors, and their applicationin Geospatial information collection. All these operation relies on the application software, that is, apps.This paper introduces the apps for the basic function of the sensors, collecting environmental observations, and collecting spatial information. Only those could be used free of charge are included in this article.
There are many sensors installed on the mobile devices such as tablet computer and smartphones.Based on the type of observations provided by the sensors, there are “positional” and “physical” twocategories. The objective of this article is to introduce the function of these sensors, and their applicationin Geospatial information collection. All these operation relies on the application software, that is, apps.This paper introduces the apps for the basic function of the sensors, collecting environmental observations,and collecting spatial information. Only those could be used free of charge are included in this article.
起訖頁 1-16
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 201509 (34:3期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
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