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作者 史天元
為了釐度空間,方向是一個重要元素。人的本體感知是在地平坐標系中,因此有上、下、左、右、前、後。在地理空間中的活動與紀載,則有了東、西、南、北的概念。方向的描述,是一種編碼。本文探討不同的方位編碼系統,由人類感知起,到經緯儀電子讀數,以期介紹與方位相關之系統與量度。由於內容區隔,分為兩部分,第一部分為在電子讀數以前。 Orientation is an important aspect for measuring and describing the spatial relations. For the humanperspective, the sensing is based on a horizontal coordinate system. Therefore, there are up, down, left, right, front, and back. When it is expanded into Geo-Spatial dimension, the directions, east, west, north, south, become an effective tool. Describing the orientation utilizes encoding. This note briefly introducesthe encoding systems of orientation, from the human perspective to the electronic reading of moderntheodolite. Due to the significant difference of the focused concepts, this paper is separated into two parts.The first portion is on the orientation encoding before the electronic reading out devices.
Orientation is an important aspect for measuring and describing the spatial relations. For the humanperspective, the sensing is based on a horizontal coordinate system. Therefore, there are up, down, left,right, front, and back. When it is expanded into Geo-Spatial dimension, the directions, east, west, north,south, become an effective tool. Describing the orientation utilizes encoding. This note briefly introducesthe encoding systems of orientation, from the human perspective to the electronic reading of moderntheodolite. Due to the significant difference of the focused concepts, this paper is separated into two parts.The first portion is on the orientation encoding before the electronic reading out devices.
起訖頁 1-8
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 201503 (34:1期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-下一篇 經緯儀水平角「複測角法」討論




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