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Coordinate Transformation Between TWD67、TWD97 and e-GPS By Using Seven Parameters Method:case study on Jhongli
作者 葉大綱吳建廷楊明遠黃金城韓治安
內政部國土測繪中心業已完成全台e-GPS 系統之建置,並已逐步推廣到地方政府的測量工作中;然e-GPS 所量測之坐標,與台灣現行的TWD67 及TWD97 之間仍存有一系統性誤差,應可利用七參數坐標轉換法來修正。本研究在中壢觀音地區,選取了20 點TWD67 控制點與55 點TWD97 控制點來進行測試,並將量測成果與政府公告值相比較。經過七參數坐標轉換之後,e-GPS 定位坐標與TWD67 公告值之差異,在N 方向上由203.84 公尺降低為2.8 公分,E 方向上由829.93 公尺降低為5.7 公分。若比較e-GPS 與TWD97 之差異,在N 方向上由4.1 公分降低為1.6 公分,E 方向由2.7 公分降低為1.6 公分。證實了只要經過適當的坐標轉換,不論在單筆資料或平均值上,可將e-GPS 應用於TWD97 控制點地籍測量。 National Land Surveying and Mapping Center of Taiwan already constructed the e-GPSsystem, and this system is widely adopted by the cadastral survey. However, there is a systematicerror existed between the TWD67, TWD97 and e-GPS, and this kind of error can be eliminated byusing seven parameters transformation. In this study, 20 TWD67 and 55 TWD97 controlling points inJhongli were measured by e-GPS and the measured coordinates were compared with the announcedvalues by government. After coordinate transformation of seven parameters, the error betweenTWD67 and e-GPS was from 203.84 m to 2.8 cm in N direction; and that was from 829.93 m to 5.7cm in E direction. Moreover, the error between TWD97 and e-GPS was from 4.1 cm to 1.6 cm in Ndirection; and that was from 2.7 cm to 1.6 cm in E direction. It will be okay to use e-GPS technologyin TWD97 cadastral survey when proper coordinate transformation is employed.
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center of Taiwan already constructed the e-GPSsystem, and this system is widely adopted by the cadastral survey. However, there is a systematicerror existed between the TWD67, TWD97 and e-GPS, and this kind of error can be eliminated byusing seven parameters transformation. In this study, 20 TWD67 and 55 TWD97 controlling points inJhongli were measured by e-GPS and the measured coordinates were compared with the announcedvalues by government. After coordinate transformation of seven parameters, the error betweenTWD67 and e-GPS was from 203.84 m to 2.8 cm in N direction; and that was from 829.93 m to 5.7cm in E direction. Moreover, the error between TWD97 and e-GPS was from 4.1 cm to 1.6 cm in Ndirection; and that was from 2.7 cm to 1.6 cm in E direction. It will be okay to use e-GPS technologyin TWD97 cadastral survey when proper coordinate transformation is employed.
起訖頁 14-29
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 201103 (30:1期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-上一篇 以向量修正法改進傳統六參數法--附面積約制後之坐標轉換成果
該期刊-下一篇 臺北市土地開發地區地籍測量問題之探討~以官邸北側及奇岩新社區為例




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