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The Study of the Variationsof ZTD During the Passage of Typhoon SEPAT in Taiwan Region using GPS Precise Point Positioning Technique
作者 彭微之葉燕樺江凱偉陳國華陳鶴欽
颱風是自然界最具破壞力的天氣系統,也是影響台灣最重要的災變天氣。目前應用GPS於氣象變化相關的研究亦因為全球氣候變遷日益趨於活躍且致命而受到更多的注意。分布全球的IGS之GPS觀測站可提供全球尺度的觀測資料,而GPS可提供的氣象參數主要以對流層為主。精密單點定位(Precise point positioning, PPP)技術是GPS研究領域的新興焦點之一,本研究藉由成大自行研發中的PPP軟體解算內政部國土測繪中心之五個e-GPS觀測站,於2007年聖帕颱風登陸台灣地區期間所蒐集的資料,以分析天頂對流層延遲變化量與颱風路徑之相關性。 Typhoons are the most serious weather systems in the nature and they are also the mostdevastating weather systems affecting Taiwan annually. Recently, the studies concerning the use ofGPS as an alternative meteorological sensor have become extremely active due to the devastatingimpact of the global climate changes. Those well distributed GPS ground stations around the globe can provide globally scaled observations for scientific studies. The primary meteorological parameterprovided by GPS is the tropospheric path delay at zenith. The PPP technique is one of the mostsignificant research topics in GNSS research communities. Therefore, the objective of this research isto use the measurements collected during 2007 SEPAT at five e-GPS sites provided by the LandSurvey and Mapping Center, Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan, with a PPP software being developedat NCKU to analyze the correlation between the variations of the zenith tropospheric delaysestimated by PPP and the path of typhoon SEPAT.
Typhoons are the most serious weather systems in the nature and they are also the mostdevastating weather systems affecting Taiwan annually. Recently, the studies concerning the use ofGPS as an alternative meteorological sensor have become extremely active due to the devastatingimpact of the global climate changes. Those well distributed GPS ground stations around the globe can provide globally scaled observations for scientific studies. The primary meteorological parameterprovided by GPS is the tropospheric path delay at zenith. The PPP technique is one of the mostsignificant research topics in GNSS research communities. Therefore, the objective of this research isto use the measurements collected during 2007 SEPAT at five e-GPS sites provided by the LandSurvey and Mapping Center, Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan, with a PPP software being developedat NCKU to analyze the correlation between the variations of the zenith tropospheric delaysestimated by PPP and the path of typhoon SEPAT.
起訖頁 1-16
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 200812 (27:4期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-下一篇 提昇微機電IMU/GNSS整合系統定位定向精度可行策略之研究




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