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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Evolution of Topographic Base Map in the Era of Geospatial Information Technology |
作者 |
王蜀嘉 |
中文摘要 |
Looking back to the history of the development of national topographical base maps of someleading European countries, we can see that the development of the base maps from paper-printed maps to digital mapping and finally to the current topographical data base system is determined bythe objective environment and the subjective needs of the map users. Objective environment includesthe extent of technology development and the social economy strength. Subjective needs includethe demands of map users about the information contents and data format. Take the objectiveenvironment factors for example, if there were no high performance computer hardware and softwareor no strong social economy as backbone, there would be no development of digital mapping. Fromthe subjective needs side, if no users wished more effective, more automated management of thespatial information, there would be no demands for spatial data base. At the beginning stage, in the1970’s Taiwan chose orthophoto map as national base map for the reason to be able to get as quicklyas possible usable maps for the entire island. The drawback is that there is very little vectorizedinformation or digital information. Later on, despite the rapid growth of national economy strengthand needs for more detailed spatial information, the policy of producing base map has never beenimproved due to the fact that all national mapping agencies are very low-leveled and not unified. Inorder to catch up the newest needs of spatial information, Taiwan should not go through the samedevelopment stages like some leading European countries. Instead, it should jump from theorthophoto map directly to building up a national topographic data base, omitting the stage ofproducing digital maps. But due to very diversified needs from different base map users, the directionto which the base maps will go is still unclear. Although each country has its own tradition andcustoms for making base maps, experience from other countries could not be imported directly, butsome basic principles are rather universal. This paper summarized the experience of the base mapdevelopments in Germany and Great Britain of the last 20 and more years and by comparing it to thecurrent problems in Taiwan, some suggestions to the design of the future base maps were made. |
英文摘要 |
Looking back to the history of the development of national topographical base maps of someleading European countries, we can see that the development of the base maps from paper-printed maps to digital mapping and finally to the current topographical data base system is determined bythe objective environment and the subjective needs of the map users. Objective environment includesthe extent of technology development and the social economy strength. Subjective needs includethe demands of map users about the information contents and data format. Take the objectiveenvironment factors for example, if there were no high performance computer hardware and softwareor no strong social economy as backbone, there would be no development of digital mapping. Fromthe subjective needs side, if no users wished more effective, more automated management of thespatial information, there would be no demands for spatial data base. At the beginning stage, in the1970’s Taiwan chose orthophoto map as national base map for the reason to be able to get as quicklyas possible usable maps for the entire island. The drawback is that there is very little vectorizedinformation or digital information. Later on, despite the rapid growth of national economy strengthand needs for more detailed spatial information, the policy of producing base map has never beenimproved due to the fact that all national mapping agencies are very low-leveled and not unified. Inorder to catch up the newest needs of spatial information, Taiwan should not go through the samedevelopment stages like some leading European countries. Instead, it should jump from theorthophoto map directly to building up a national topographic data base, omitting the stage ofproducing digital maps. But due to very diversified needs from different base map users, the directionto which the base maps will go is still unclear. Although each country has its own tradition andcustoms for making base maps, experience from other countries could not be imported directly, butsome basic principles are rather universal. This paper summarized the experience of the base mapdevelopments in Germany and Great Britain of the last 20 and more years and by comparing it to thecurrent problems in Taiwan, some suggestions to the design of the future base maps were made. |
起訖頁 |
91-104 |
刊名 |
地籍測量 |
期數 |
200809 (27:3期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
地方政府對國土測繪法實施之因應研究 |