中文摘要 |
內政部國土測繪中心配合「國家地理資訊系統建置及推動十年計畫」研訂「國土利用調查」子計畫。國土利用調查作業在95至96年之主要工作,為利用空間解像力優於3公尺的航、遙測影像,輔以GIS資料及部分地面調查作業,快速、精準且確實地獲取國土利用調查資訊;研究成果除建立高精度的數值成果外,亦根據土地使用分類系統建立完整的屬性資料,以供往後之國土規劃及推動各項國家政策所需。另成果建置除了數值化成果圖與統計資料外,並研究使用以Google Earth 為平台來展示國土利用成果;另亦建立國土利用調查五千分之一成果圖之自動出圖系統,供國土測繪中心使用。研究中將國土利用調查作業之圖幅與航照影像轉成KML檔案格式,結合Google Earth以三維方式示範展示國土利用調查結果。除此之外並利用ESRI公司ArcMap單機版地理資訊系統透過客製化介面,建置國土利用調查五千分之一成果圖出圖系統,透過簡單的介面操作,可以完全自動地進行五千分之一成果圖高解析影像電子檔的製作,並可進行圖查屬性及屬性查圖等功能,讓國土利用調查作業成果可以輕易的展示及呈現。Google Earth資訊成果展示與國土利用資訊展示及出圖系統的建置方式與成果介紹在本篇中有詳細的介紹。
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center (NLSC), Ministry of the Interior operates incoordination with the “Ten-Year National GIS Establishment and Promotion Plan” and set up a“National Land Use Inventory” project. One of the main tasks of National Land Use Inventoryoperation in 2006 and 2007 is to utilize the aerial and satellite images that are better than 3-meter spatial resolution for obtaining the National Land Use Inventory results faster and more accurately bythe help of GIS data and ground survey operations. Other main tasks are establishing completeattribute data for national land use planning and national policies promotion according to the LandUse Classification System besides making high resolution digital maps; conduct research of usingGoogle Earth as a displaying platform for the National Land Use Inventory results; establish a mapspublishing system to automatically publish 1:5000 scale maps for NLSC. This paper described indetail how the maps produced by National Land Use Inventory operation and related aerial photoswere converted to KML format, thus the results can be easily displayed in three dimensional form byGoogle Earth. This paper also described the Maps Publishing System for automatically publishing1:5000 scale maps and for map objects and attributes query. The construction of the Maps PublishingSystem was also discussed. |
英文摘要 |
National Land Surveying and Mapping Center (NLSC), Ministry of the Interior operates incoordination with the “Ten-Year National GIS Establishment and Promotion Plan” and set up a“National Land Use Inventory” project. One of the main tasks of National Land Use Inventoryoperation in 2006 and 2007 is to utilize the aerial and satellite images that are better than 3-meter spatial resolution for obtaining the National Land Use Inventory results faster and more accurately bythe help of GIS data and ground survey operations. Other main tasks are establishing completeattribute data for national land use planning and national policies promotion according to the LandUse Classification System besides making high resolution digital maps; conduct research of usingGoogle Earth as a displaying platform for the National Land Use Inventory results; establish a mapspublishing system to automatically publish 1:5000 scale maps for NLSC. This paper described indetail how the maps produced by National Land Use Inventory operation and related aerial photoswere converted to KML format, thus the results can be easily displayed in three dimensional form byGoogle Earth. This paper also described the Maps Publishing System for automatically publishing1:5000 scale maps and for map objects and attributes query. The construction of the Maps PublishingSystem was also discussed. |