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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Research on the Design of Feature-based Topographic Database |
作者 |
洪榮宏、廖向芃 |
中文摘要 |
地形資料為國家經濟發展不可或缺之參考資料。地形圖雖長期被期待可滿足地理資訊系統之基本需求,但由於製圖規範並未強制規定以單一物件為基礎而生產資料,往往須在圖資編輯與處理上投入額外之成本。由資料應用之觀點,各領域經由共享機制取得之地形資料須可滿足「空間參考」及「加值」之需求,並應可直接於地理資訊系統中應用。本研究引入圖徵(Feature)之概念,以建置具有明確維度規劃,可因應不同比例尺及時空狀況描述之圖徵資料庫為主要目標。地形圖徵資料庫具有多重表示及多元識別碼之特性,可由單一識別碼擴充取得所有空間表示及建立直接於GIS中應用之資料。地形圖徵資料可賦予各領域資料應有之空間特性及滿足各領域資料串連之需求,在未來持續成長後,將有助於圖徵整合機制之發展及對服務導向架構(Service-Oriented Architecture)帶來高度之應用實效。
Topographic data is indispensible reference data to nation economic development. Althoughtopographic maps have been long expected to serve as a basic data resource for GIS applications, additional cost on data edition and processing is, nonetheless, often required because mappingspecifications do not compulsorily ask data to be recorded in accordance with individual spatialentities in reality. From a data application perspective, topographic data acquired from sharingmechanism must not only meet the demands of “spatial referencing” and “value-adding”, but alsofulfill the requirement of direct use in GIS applications. By introducing the “feature” concept, this paper intends to design a feature-based topographic database that has explicit dimensionality ontopographic feature and capability to model different scale and spatio-temporal status of real worldphenomena. One distinct characteristic of this proposed database is its built-in multi-representationand multi-identifier architecture. With a single identifier given by users, it can supply all of thecorresponding spatial descriptions and furthermore establish GIS-ready data for later application use.Via the feature-based topographic database, data from various domains can be spatially enabled andbe further linked together successfully. This can absolutely benefit the development of “feature”integration mechanism and bring substantial application effects to SOA environment. |
英文摘要 |
Topographic data is indispensible reference data to nation economic development. Althoughtopographic maps have been long expected to serve as a basic data resource for GIS applications,additional cost on data edition and processing is, nonetheless, often required because mappingspecifications do not compulsorily ask data to be recorded in accordance with individual spatialentities in reality. From a data application perspective, topographic data acquired from sharingmechanism must not only meet the demands of “spatial referencing” and “value-adding”, but alsofulfill the requirement of direct use in GIS applications. By introducing the “feature” concept, this paper intends to design a feature-based topographic database that has explicit dimensionality ontopographic feature and capability to model different scale and spatio-temporal status of real worldphenomena. One distinct characteristic of this proposed database is its built-in multi-representationand multi-identifier architecture. With a single identifier given by users, it can supply all of thecorresponding spatial descriptions and furthermore establish GIS-ready data for later application use.Via the feature-based topographic database, data from various domains can be spatially enabled andbe further linked together successfully. This can absolutely benefit the development of “feature”integration mechanism and bring substantial application effects to SOA environment. |
起訖頁 |
1-21 |
刊名 |
地籍測量 |
期數 |
200803 (27:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
建物區DSM資料編修系統建構與試驗 |