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Study on Building and Analyzing the Model of Uncertainty of Measurement for Li-ming Calibration Site
作者 邱明全曾耀賢林燕山
「工欲善其事,必先利其器」,測量儀器為執行測量業務主要之設備,若儀器本身存在有誤差,該項誤差便會傳播至觀測數據,影響測量成果甚鉅,因此測量儀器必需定期檢校,以確保測量成果品質。本中心自71年起開始使用電子測距儀於地籍測量相關業務,即建立基線場辦理測距儀器檢校作業,81年要求所屬測量隊於轄區內建置簡易基線場,85年將儀器檢校作業電腦化,94年採用PDA輔助檢校作業自動化,95年更於本中心辦公大樓前建立強制對心式固定基樁基線場,大幅提升本中心測距檢校的能力及能量。全國認證基金會(Taiwan Accreditation Foundation,TAF)係國內辦理第三者認證服務之單一機構,並提供符合國際規範、社會經濟發展所需求之公正、客觀、獨立之認證服務,95年初黎明基線場設置後,在硬體上已可達成申請認證之條件。TAF目前係採ISO/IEC 17025為實驗室認證的規範,該規範第五章5.4.6節規定,實施校正或內校之實驗室應使用程序以估算實驗室之量測不確定度。本研究的主要目的即依據ISO/IEC 17025對量測不確定度的要求,評估本中心黎明基線場之量測不確定度。 “A smart craftsman always sharpens his tools before performing a masterpiece.” This is an old Chinese proverb. For surveyors, surveying instruments are the main equipment for the works of surveying. Any tiny error existed in surveying instrument might deduce serious finals through steps of error propagation both on observation and calculation. Regularly check and calibration is to ensure the quality of surveying results. Since 1982, the Land Survey Bureau (LSB) has set up calibration site for surveying instrument calibration when electronic measurement theodolites were first used on cadastral surveying. All subordinated surveying teams were demanded to set up their own calibration sites since 1992. Automation of calibration operation with the assistance of PDA was developed in 2005. 2006 sees the setup of stable (fixed) pillars calibration site (Li-ming Calibration Site) in front of the main office of LSB. This has greatly promoted the capacity of surveying instrument calibration. The Taiwan Accreditation Foundation(TAF) is the unique domestic institute that handles the laboratory accreditation providing fair, objective and independent accreditation services. The built-up hardware of the Li-ming Calibration Site has attained the requirement of accreditation application. ISO/IEC 17025 is adopted by the TAF to accredit laboratory accreditation. The section 5.4.6 of the Chapter 5 states that the laboratory which want to calibration instrument must use standard procedures to estimate the uncertainty of measurement. The purpose of this study is to estimate the uncertainty of measurement of Li-ming Calibration Site according to the requisition of ISO/IEC 17025.
“A smart craftsman always sharpens his tools before performing a masterpiece.” This is an old Chinese proverb. For surveyors, surveying instruments are the main equipment for the works of surveying. Any tiny error existed in surveying instrument might deduce serious finals through steps of error propagation both on observation and calculation. Regularly check and calibration is to ensure the quality of surveying results. Since 1982, the Land Survey Bureau (LSB) has set up calibration site for surveying instrument calibration when electronic measurement theodolites were first used on cadastral surveying. All subordinated surveying teams were demanded to set up their own calibration sites since 1992. Automation of calibration operation with the assistance of PDA was developed in 2005. 2006 sees the setup of stable (fixed) pillars calibration site (Li-ming Calibration Site) in front of the main office of LSB. This has greatly promoted the capacity of surveying instrument calibration. The Taiwan Accreditation Foundation(TAF) is the unique domestic institute that handles the laboratory accreditation providing fair, objective and independent accreditation services. The built-up hardware of the Li-ming Calibration Site has attained the requirement of accreditation application. ISO/IEC 17025 is adopted by the TAF to accredit laboratory accreditation. The section 5.4.6 of the Chapter 5 states that the laboratory which want to calibration instrument must use standard procedures to estimate the uncertainty of measurement. The purpose of this study is to estimate the uncertainty of measurement of Li-ming Calibration Site according to the requisition of ISO/IEC 17025.
起訖頁 50-68
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 200712 (26:4期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-上一篇 圖解數化地籍圖之伸縮改正及實測接合研究
該期刊-下一篇 國際地籍測量學術研討會誕生緣起




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