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Innovative Service and International Participation of Professional Surveying Engineer
作者 盧鄂生史天元
我國實施五權憲法,考試制度獨步全球。現代社會,科技與經濟高度發展,社會結構快速變遷,分工逾見精細,社會型態也漸漸專業化,委託專業人才處理專業技術問題乃是必然的趨勢,故專技人員考試,不論是報名人數或考試類別,均逐年大幅成長。隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,網路化更成為加強便民服務的利器,在資訊整合應用方面也提供了一個能實際運作的機制與環境。二十一世紀是一個「知識經濟」的時代,「創新服務」亦是最熱門的話題。我國自然資源短缺,能在國際上競爭的似乎只有專業人才資源,故以測量技師為例,探討如何建立最佳考用制度。除了滿足國內各種創新服務需求外,如何結合整體的力量協助測量技師進入國際市場,應是當今國家重要政策之方向。本文主要目的是針對專技人員,為求創新服務以及國際接軌,特別以測量技師為例分別就其考試及管理制度作較深入的探討,並提出若干重要性議題,借以拋磚引玉,作為後續制度上改進之參考。 The examination system is a rather unique feature of our governmental structure. In modern society, with the development of economics and technology, and changes in social structure, there is an obvious trend to entrust the management of technical issues to professionals and technologists. Therefore, the number of examinees and various categories of professional and technologist examinations is growing each year. Moreover, the development of the internet provides a convenient service, as well as, a feasible mechanism for information integration. The 21st century marks an era of “knowledge-based economy” and “innovation-service” has become a popular trend. Due to a lack of strong natural resources, the only source of our country's competitiveness lies in the quality of its professionals and technologists. Taking a surveying engineer as an example, itbecomes obvious that designing the best examination system to satisfy domestic demands as well as increase examinees' competitiveness in the international market should be important issues from a national standpoint. The aim of this essay is to analyze the examination and management systems of professionals, using the field of surveying engineering as an example, and to provide suggestions for the modification of these national systems, based on conclusions drawn from questionnaires.
The examination system is a rather unique feature of our governmental structure. In modern society, with the development of economics and technology, and changes in social structure, there is an obvious trend to entrust the management of technical issues to professionals and technologists. Therefore, the number of examinees and various categories of professional and technologist examinations is growing each year. Moreover, the development of the internet provides a convenient service, as well as, a feasible mechanism for information integration. The 21st century marks an era of “knowledge-based economy” and “innovation-service” has become a popular trend. Due to a lack of strong natural resources, the only source of our country's competitiveness lies in the quality of its professionals and technologists. Taking a surveying engineer as an example, itbecomes obvious that designing the best examination system to satisfy domestic demands as well as increase examinees' competitiveness in the international market should be important issues from a national standpoint. The aim of this essay is to analyze the examination and management systems of professionals, using the field of surveying engineering as an example, and to provide suggestions for the modification of these national systems, based on conclusions drawn from questionnaires.
起訖頁 22-57
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 200503 (24:1期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-上一篇 物件結構化數值地形資料建構空間資料庫之作業方法研究
該期刊-下一篇 3D網形穩健度分析研究──以台中市圖根點監測網為例




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