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Service And Management System of Cadastral Resurvey Information
作者 劉冠岳王建得王建明鄭彩堂劉正倫
地籍圖重測資訊服務管理系統提供豐富之重測作業資訊,供一般民眾及土地所有權人上網瀏覽查詢,使其了解並配合辦理重測相關作業,確保自身權益。為更進一步服務土地所有權人,經其申請後,系統將自動寄發手機簡訊及(或)電子郵件提醒其配合辦理地籍調查及協助指界作業。系統亦提供完整且快速地繪製重測區範圍圖及段界調整略圖功能,可統一圖籍格式;且提供地籍圖套疊臺灣通用電子地圖及正射影像,提高現況測量效率,確保套繪成果品質,保障重測結果正確性。 The system provides profuse information about Cadastral Resurvey. The public and land owners can use the system to understand about cadastral resurvey reguration and assort relational work, for ensuring right of themselves. When land owners register the system, the system will automatically send a phone message and (or ) email to remind land owners to assort work of land cadastral investigation and assist indication. To unify format of the Cadastral map ,the system also provides complete and rapid drawing function of regional and section’s adjustment boundary line map of cadastral resurvey. In addition, the system provides overlapping cadastral map with Taiwan e-Maps and Orthophotos, that can promote effectively of field surveying, ensure quality of overlapping result, and guarantee correct of cadastral resurvey result.
The system provides profuse information about Cadastral Resurvey. The public and land owners can use the system to understand about cadastral resurvey reguration and assort relational work, for ensuring right of themselves. When land owners register the system, the system will automatically send a phone message and (or ) email to remind land owners to assort work of land cadastral investigation and assist indication. To unify format of the Cadastral map ,the system also provides complete and rapid drawing function of regional and section’s adjustment boundary line map of cadastral resurvey. In addition, the system provides overlapping cadastral map with Taiwan e-Maps and Orthophotos, that can promote effectively of field surveying, ensure quality of overlapping result, and guarantee correct of cadastral resurvey result.
起訖頁 1-17
刊名 地籍測量  
期數 201703 (36:1期)
出版單位 中華民國地籍測量學會
該期刊-下一篇 依數值作業方式辦理圖解區土地複丈之執行成效




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