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The Phenology of Ficus Septica Burm. f. at Dakeng, Taichung
作者 何伊喬曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)曾喜育
本研究探討台中大坑地區稜果榕之葉候、榕果物候及性別族群間物候之分化現象。調查期間自2007年11月5日-2009年4月2日止,共17個月。觀察發現大坑地區稜果榕之葉候為連續型展葉模式,植株全年可維持一定量之成熟葉,然具有明顯的季節變化;雌、雄株之葉候模式相似,兩性別成熟葉量與平均氣溫及累積降雨量呈顯著正相關,反映環境變化與植物生長具關聯性。稜果榕雌、雄株榕果生產與展葉具極高之同步性;然而於春、夏2季幼葉及成熟葉遭嚴重蟲害,可能導致植株可維持榕果量下降。榕果物候方面,雌株果季數較少於雄株,且集中於春、秋2季,雄株則無集中於特定季節的現象。榕果葉量比方面,雄株在多數時期高於雌株。整體而言,雌、雄株榕果物候具有頻度及數量之分化現象,其可能來自於雌、雄株採取不同的榕果生產策略:雌株採量少質重的投資,有利於核果發育及榕果傳播之有效性;雄株採量多質輕之策略,除使授粉蜂族群可持續繁衍並可提升花粉傳播機率,此為穩定稜果榕與其授粉蜂共生關係之有效機制。 We presented the traits of leaf and fig phenology in both sexual of Ficus septica Burm. f., a common dioecious species at Dakeng in center Taiwan during November 2007 to April 2009. We found the pattern of leaf phenology was similar between genders. This phenomenon was successive leaf emergence and ever green through the year, but the abundance of mature leaves showed seasonally. The quantity of mature leaves were corresponded positively significant with average temperature and precipitation. The correlation between vegetation and the variation of climate was significantly. Tender leaves were occurred synchronize with A phase figs production. however, serious damage on tender and mature leaves occurred during spring to summer 2007 by the larva of moth (Asota heliconia zebrina). We supposed that could lead to the ability of figs maintenance decrease during the pest. In another worlds, there were differences of frequency and quantity between genders. First, the crops number of female trees (3.6±1.7) were lower than male trees (4.1±2.4). Second, female trees mainly produced figs in spring and autumn, but male born figs at any time except in summer. Third, the fig / leaf ratio of male trees always higher than female trees except during the pest. To conclude, the sexual differentiation are caused by the different reproductive purpose in gender: female trees produced few figs that ensure to complete the development of seeds and increase the effective of seed dispersal; however, male trees would produce plenty of figs, that is, male trees could maintain the population of pollinator and increase the probability on pollen dispersal to effectively stabilized the mutualism of F. septica and their pollinators.
We presented the traits of leaf and fig phenology in both sexual of Ficus septica Burm. f., a common dioecious species at Dakeng in center Taiwan during November 2007 to April 2009. We found the pattern of leaf phenology was similar between genders. This phenomenon was successive leaf emergence and ever green through the year, but the abundance of mature leaves showed seasonally. The quantity of mature leaves were corresponded positively significant with average temperature and precipitation. The correlation between vegetation and the variation of climate was significantly. Tender leaves were occurred synchronize with A phase figs production. however, serious damage on tender and mature leaves occurred during spring to summer 2007 by the larva of moth (Asota heliconia zebrina). We supposed that could lead to the ability of figs maintenance decrease during the pest. In another worlds, there were differences of frequency and quantity between genders. First, the crops number of female trees (3.6±1.7) were lower than male trees (4.1±2.4). Second, female trees mainly produced figs in spring and autumn, but male born figs at any time except in summer. Third, the fig / leaf ratio of male trees always higher than female trees except during the pest. To conclude, the sexual differentiation are caused by the different reproductive purpose in gender: female trees produced few figs that ensure to complete the development of seeds and increase the effective of seed dispersal; however, male trees would produce plenty of figs, that is, male trees could maintain the population of pollinator and increase the probability on pollen dispersal to effectively stabilized the mutualism of F. septica and their pollinators.
起訖頁 21-32
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201112 (33:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 奧萬大楓林區辛樂克颱風後林木生長與存活研究
該期刊-下一篇 雪山翠池玉山圓柏林植物社會之研究




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