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An Explore of Relationship between Attitude of New Environmental Paradigm and Responsible Environmental Behavior - An Example of Chiayi Arboretum
作者 張怡萱林喻東鄧書麟 (Shu-Lin Deng)劉癸君
近些年來人類對自然環境態度的思維,漸由強調人類對自然資源控制的「主流社會典範」轉為強調自然資源永續發展的「新環境典範」;而在地球環境破壞日益嚴重之際,也強調培養人類「負責任的環境行為」;此兩者間是否存在著正向的關係?本研究以嘉義樹木園之遊客為問卷調查對象,其結果顯示800位受訪者環境態度全部問項之總平均值為4.01,在「同意」與「非常同意之間」;環境行為全部問項之總平均值為3.49,介於「大部份做到」與「偶爾做到」之間,顯示民眾普遍具有新環境典範的環境態度認知及負責任的環境行為。而環境態度認知越高,其環境行為意向也越趨負責任的環境行為。 In recent years, human's attitude towards natural environment gradually change from ”dominant social paradigm” which assert natural resource can be controlled by human to ”new environmental paradigm” which emphasis on sustainable development of natural resource. Besides, during the gradually damage of earth environment, ”responsible environmental behavior” is getting more important day by day. Is there positive correlation between ”new environmental paradigm” and ”responsible environmental behavior”? This study interviewed 800 tourists of Chiayi arboretum to explore the relationship between them. The results indicate that average value of environmental attitude is 4.01, its means the attitude lies between ”agree” and ”highly agree”. Average value of environmental behavior is 3.19, its means the behavior lies between ”most partially done” and ”occasionally done”. It reveals that most of interviewees own the recognition of ”new environmental paradigm” and ”responsible environmental behavior”. There is positive correlation between attitude and behavior.
In recent years, human's attitude towards natural environment gradually change from ”dominant social paradigm” which assert natural resource can be controlled by human to ”new environmental paradigm” which emphasis on sustainable development of natural resource. Besides, during the gradually damage of earth environment, ”responsible environmental behavior” is getting more important day by day. Is there positive correlation between ”new environmental paradigm” and ”responsible environmental behavior”? This study interviewed 800 tourists of Chiayi arboretum to explore the relationship between them. The results indicate that average value of environmental attitude is 4.01, its means the attitude lies between ”agree” and ”highly agree”. Average value of environmental behavior is 3.19, its means the behavior lies between ”most partially done” and ”occasionally done”. It reveals that most of interviewees own the recognition of ”new environmental paradigm” and ”responsible environmental behavior”. There is positive correlation between attitude and behavior.
起訖頁 13-27
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201106 (33:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 應用Hegyi競爭指數規劃針闊葉混淆林林相改良之研究
該期刊-下一篇 Utricularia graminifolia Vahl (Lentibulariaceae): a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan




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