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Vegetation Research along the East Trail of Mt. Shei
作者 王偉邱清安蔡尚惪許俊凱曾喜育呂金誠
本研究由武陵七家灣溪億年橋起,沿雪山主峰線步道至海拔3, 886m雪山主峰設置並彙整前人研究共44個250m^2樣區,記綠387種維管束植物。沿線植物社會依外觀形態可大致區分為森林、灌叢及草原等3類植物社會。森林植物社會依群團分析結果可劃分為臺灣冷杉型、巒大花楸型、玉山圓柏型、臺灣二葉松型、臺灣雲杉型、狹葉高山櫟型、臺灣紅檜型、臺灣紅豆杉-臺灣灰木型、卡氏櫧-西施花型、高山櫟-鐵杉型、栓皮櫟-化香樹型等11個森林植物社會;另有玉山圓柏-玉山杜鵑型之灌叢社會及玉山箭竹-高山芒型、高山芒型、高山艾-羊茅型等3個草本植物社會。森林植物社會之降趨對應分析大致與群團分析結果相近,佐以環境因子探討發現海拔與地形(嶺線與凹谷)為影響植物分布的主要因子。典型對應分析得知影響森林植群型分布之生育地因子以海拔影響較大,坡度、坡向及全天光空域等較其次。森林植物社會主要組成樹種之族群結構多呈反J形,顯示其更新良好。本研究植群調查資料可作為雪山地區經營管理與科學研究之參考。 The study was sampled 44 plots (10x25 m^2) and recorded 387 species from 1,682 m to 3,886 m along the east trail of Mt. Shei. Vegetations can be broadly distinguished into three categories by physiognomy as following forest, shrub, and grassland communities. One shurb vegetation was Juniperus squamata-Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum type, and three grassland vegetation were Yushania niitakayamensis- Miscanthus transmorrisonensis type, Miscanthus transmorrisonensis type and Artemisia oligocarpa- Festuca ovina type. 38 forest sampled plots were classified into 11 forest vegetations using cluster analysis with the name of their dominant species respectively: Abies kawakamii type, Sorbus randaiensis type, Juniperus squamata type, Pinus taiwanensis type, Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides type, Picea morrisonicola type, Quercus variabilis- Platycarya strobilacea type, Taxus sumatrana- Symplocos formosana type, Castanopsis carlesii- Rhododendron ellipticum type, Quercus spinosa- Tsuga chinensis type and Chamaecyparis formosensis type. The result of detrended correspondence analysis supported the proposition of cluster analysis, and showed that altitude and topograph were the enviornment variables differentiate forest vegetations. Furthermore, canonical correspondence analysis indicated distribution of forest communities was significantly correlated with altitude, slope, aspect and whole light sky space. And, population structure of most dominant species revealed anti- J-shaped indicating regeneration well in forest vegetations. This study could serve as an important information for vegetation ecology, forest management and conservation of Mt. Shei.
The study was sampled 44 plots (10x25 m^2) and recorded 387 species from 1,682 m to 3,886 m along the east trail of Mt. Shei. Vegetations can be broadly distinguished into three categories by physiognomy as following forest, shrub, and grassland communities. One shurb vegetation was Juniperus squamata-Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum type, and three grassland vegetation were Yushania niitakayamensis- Miscanthus transmorrisonensis type, Miscanthus transmorrisonensis type and Artemisia oligocarpa- Festuca ovina type. 38 forest sampled plots were classified into 11 forest vegetations using cluster analysis with the name of their dominant species respectively: Abies kawakamii type, Sorbus randaiensis type, Juniperus squamata type, Pinus taiwanensis type, Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides type, Picea morrisonicola type, Quercus variabilis- Platycarya strobilacea type, Taxus sumatrana- Symplocos formosana type, Castanopsis carlesii- Rhododendron ellipticum type, Quercus spinosa- Tsuga chinensis type and Chamaecyparis formosensis type. The result of detrended correspondence analysis supported the proposition of cluster analysis, and showed that altitude and topograph were the enviornment variables differentiate forest vegetations. Furthermore, canonical correspondence analysis indicated distribution of forest communities was significantly correlated with altitude, slope, aspect and whole light sky space. And, population structure of most dominant species revealed anti- J-shaped indicating regeneration well in forest vegetations. This study could serve as an important information for vegetation ecology, forest management and conservation of Mt. Shei.
起訖頁 15-33
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201009 (32:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 隘寮溪流域植群分類與製圖
該期刊-下一篇 孟宗竹林伐採後二年間地上部生物量與碳吸存量動態




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