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The History of Forest Management and Recreation Development in Taiwan After World War II
作者 李久先許秉翔
本文主旨為探究二次世界大戰後台灣森林經營與遊憩發展的歷史過程。台灣的森林歷經日本殖民時期與國民黨播遷來台時期的採伐,至1980年代之後,生產機能逐漸被遊憩、國土保安的機能所取代。換言之,林產不再是森林管理的重點,森林遊樂區、風景區、國家公園的遊憩功能逐漸成為當前森林經營管理的主題,並發展出森林生態旅遊的模式。而1989年林業機關從公營事業轉型成仰賴政府編列預算的公務機關,是其角色轉變的重要里程碑。本文提出台灣森林經營與遊憩的四個重要議題,包括(一)愛護森林不等於完全禁止砍伐(二)依靠進口木材終究可能面對國際NGO組織或其他國家的指責,甚至制裁。(三)生態旅遊管理模式的細緻化(四)臺灣的森林遊憩資源創新,走向文化創意產業。 The objective of this article is to review the history of the forest management and recreation in Taiwan. The modern lumber industry in Taiwan started from the Japanese occupied period in early 20 Century. Up to 1980's, the function of forest was gradually changed from lumber industry to forest recreation and ecological conservation. In 1989, the transformation of the organization from state-owned enterprise to government agency is a milestone for the Taiwan s forest management.Herein we raise four important issues of the forest management and forest recreation in Taiwan for further discuss, including:1. Forest preservation doesn't mean lumbering is completely forbidden.2. Importing lumber would eventually face criticizes from some international NGOs or even other countries, and maybe have to face sanction imposed by international society.3. Management of forest eco-tourism should be more delicate.4. The usage of the forest recreation resources should blend with more culture elements.
The objective of this article is to review the history of the forest management and recreation in Taiwan. The modern lumber industry in Taiwan started from the Japanese occupied period in early 20 Century. Up to 1980's, the function of forest was gradually changed from lumber industry to forest recreation and ecological conservation. In 1989, the transformation of the organization from state-owned enterprise to government agency is a milestone for the Taiwan s forest management.Herein we raise four important issues of the forest management and forest recreation in Taiwan for further discuss, including:1. Forest preservation doesn't mean lumbering is completely forbidden.2. Importing lumber would eventually face criticizes from some international NGOs or even other countries, and maybe have to face sanction imposed by international society.3. Management of forest eco-tourism should be more delicate.4. The usage of the forest recreation resources should blend with more culture elements.
起訖頁 87-96
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201003 (32:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 酚/間苯二酚共溶劑液化之酚化柳杉木材之性質




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