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作者 章錦瑜
本調查乃以台灣低海故地區常見之賞花性雙子葉景觀喬木為對象,探討外觀型態類似之種類,於辨識鑑定時之易於掌捏之外觀差異。本調查之外觀型態類似種類共選擇了28組、69種植物,除了少數為不開科植物外,多數為同科甚至同屬植物。為助於分辨外觀類似的植物,因此除蒐集相關文獻外,並進行相似植物之外觀型態差異的戶外實際植物調查。首先以技葉為主,因為除落葉樹於完全落葉期間外,植株體總有葉片存留,枝葉較花、果留存於植株體的時間較長久,藉以辨識全年較易施行,其他花、果多僅出現於一年之某段時期而已。至於其他可供分辨額似植物之部位,如花、果實、樹幹、樹型、毛韓、以及味道等也列入調查,以輔助辨識。本調查結果可提供景觀喬木之類似植物於辨識時之參考依據。 The purpose of investigaion w on the morphological resembling floig landscaping dicotyledonous trees in low altiofTaiwan. To undetand what were the differences to make out to recognize the resembling landscaping . Tolly28groupspecies of resembling . The resembling trees mostly belong to the s1e family even the same genus. We investigated the leaves as the principal target, because the leaves will keep in the trees f a long time. Other parts of trees including flower, 企uit, trunk, tree form, twig, hair, were also inc,. 中orated in the inves. The result will give to consult to refer to make out the resembling landscaping trees.
The purpose of investigaion w on the morphological resembling floig landscaping dicotyledonous trees in low altiofTaiwan. To undetand what were the differences to make out to recognize the resembling landscaping . Tolly28groupspecies of resembling . The resembling trees mostly belong to the s1e family even the same genus. We investigated the leaves as the principal target, because the leaves will keep in the trees f a long time. Other parts of trees including flower, 企uit, trunk, tree form, twig, hair, were also inc,. 中orated in the inves. The result will give to consult to refer to make out the resembling landscaping trees.
起訖頁 79-94
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200909 (31:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 多元醇液化柳杉製備聚胺基甲酸酯樹脂塗料




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