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Vegetation Classification and Mapping of the Natural Forests in Wu Shi Watershed
作者 陳恩倫陳文民陳宗駿陳鳳華俞秋豐陳明義 (Ming-Yih Chen)
烏溪流域總面積2, 025平方公里,地形與氣候複雜,植物資源豐富多樣。本研究於2003-2007年間,就烏溪流域天然林(含中興大學實驗林場、八卦山、大肚山)進行植群多樣性調查與分類,共設置225個樣區(每個400平方公尺),樣區海拔高度介於60m-3, 033m,多屬於常綠闊葉林帶。共調查到維管束植物145科454屬867個種及種以下分類群,包含38種稀有植物。本研究之植群分類以JUICE程式分析結果為主軸,依列表比較法後續步驟再加以排序。排序之最終結果即為植群分群之結果,再計算物種於分群中之優勢度及恆存度,以此二者為鑑別種判定依據,數據最高及次高之二物種為植群命名,共計分出12個群叢(association)單位及4個亞群叢(subassociation)單位,分別為:(1)臺灣鐵杉群叢、(2)長尾尖葉櫧-紫珠葉泡花樹群叢、(3)厚皮香-豬腳楠群叢、(4)臺灣二葉松-大頭茶群叢、(5)山紅柿群叢:5A.小葉赤楠-大丁黃亞群叢及5B.油葉石櫟-小葉樹杞亞群叢、(6)台灣赤楊-三斗石櫟群叢、(7)山香圓-長梗紫麻群叢、(8)土肉桂-石苓舅群叢、(9)相思樹群叢、(10)血桐群叢:10A.構樹-土密樹亞群叢及10B.山黃麻-白匏仔亞群叢、(11)台灣杜鵑群叢、(12)鵝掌柴群叢。將天然林樣區分群資料導入ArcGis軟體,針對烏溪中上游國有林繪製植群圖,圖中多邊形內如有樣區,以群叢單位命名,如無,則依「國家植群多樣性調查及製圖計畫」所建構之群系(formation)命名,各植群型以不同色塊區分之。 The total area of Wu Shi watershed is 2,025km^2. In this area, the topography and climate are complicate and with a rather high vegetation diversity. We investigated and classified the vegetation of the natural forests of Wu Shi watershed during 2003-2007. Totally 867 species and infraspecific taxa of vascular plants, including 38 rare species, were recorded. The data of 225 plots (400m^2 each) were analyzed. Vegetation data were classified with JUICE software, and then by tabular comparison to divide into associations. 12 associations and 4 subassociations could be proposed, including (1) Tsuga chinensis var. formosana ASS., (2) Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii-Meliosma callicarpifoliaASS., (3) Ternstroemia gymnanthera-Machilus thunbergii ASS., (4) Pinus taiwanensis-Gordonia axillaries ASS., (5) Diospyros morrisiana ASS.: 5A. Syzygium buxifolium-Euonymus laxiflorus SUBASS. and 5B. Pasania konishii-Ardisia quinquegona SUBASS., (6) Alnus formosana-Pasania hancei var. ternaticupula ASS., (7) Turpinia formosana-Oreocnide trinervis ASS., (8) Cinnamomum osmophloeum-Glycosmis citrifolia ASS., (9) Acacia confusa ASS., (10) Macaranga tanarius ASS.: 10A. Broussonetia papyrifera-Bridelia tomentosa SUBASS. and 10B. Trema orientalis-Mallotus paniculatus SUBASS., (11) Rhododendron formosanum ASS., (12) Schefflera octophylla ASS. The classified plot data were imported into ArcGis software to make vegetation map of the national forests in mid-upstream of Wu Shi watershed. If there were plots in the polygon, it was denominated with association name. If not, it was named with the formation name of ”National Vegetation Inventory and Mapping Program”. Different associations were performed with different colors.
The total area of Wu Shi watershed is 2,025km^2. In this area, the topography and climate are complicate and with a rather high vegetation diversity. We investigated and classified the vegetation of the natural forests of Wu Shi watershed during 2003-2007. Totally 867 species and infraspecific taxa of vascular plants, including 38 rare species, were recorded. The data of 225 plots (400m^2 each) were analyzed. Vegetation data were classified with JUICE software, and then by tabular comparison to divide into associations. 12 associations and 4 subassociations could be proposed, including (1) Tsuga chinensis var. formosana ASS., (2) Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii-Meliosma callicarpifoliaASS., (3) Ternstroemia gymnanthera-Machilus thunbergii ASS., (4) Pinus taiwanensis-Gordonia axillaries ASS., (5) Diospyros morrisiana ASS.: 5A. Syzygium buxifolium-Euonymus laxiflorus SUBASS. and 5B. Pasania konishii-Ardisia quinquegona SUBASS., (6) Alnus formosana-Pasania hancei var. ternaticupula ASS., (7) Turpinia formosana-Oreocnide trinervis ASS., (8) Cinnamomum osmophloeum-Glycosmis citrifolia ASS., (9) Acacia confusa ASS., (10) Macaranga tanarius ASS.: 10A. Broussonetia papyrifera-Bridelia tomentosa SUBASS. and 10B. Trema orientalis-Mallotus paniculatus SUBASS., (11) Rhododendron formosanum ASS., (12) Schefflera octophylla ASS. The classified plot data were imported into ArcGis software to make vegetation map of the national forests in mid-upstream of Wu Shi watershed. If there were plots in the polygon, it was denominated with association name. If not, it was named with the formation name of ”National Vegetation Inventory and Mapping Program”. Different associations were performed with different colors.
起訖頁 1-13
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200906 (31:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 氮肥型態對欖李(Lumnitzera racemosa)苗木生長、葉綠素濃度及細胞活性之影響




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