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A Study on Visitors' Satisfaction in National Shinhua Arboretum
作者 高崇熙李久先彭鈺琪蔡宛君
本研究之目的在了解潛藏在遊客對新化林場國家植物園之滿意度的管理層面訊息,以之為供需雙方資訊平台,提供管理單位在執行遊客服務與管理工作時之參考。透過現地問卷調查的方式共取得203份便利抽樣遊客訪談之有效樣本,結果顯示:(1)遊客對於新化林場國家植物園之心理及環境設施體驗滿意度為很滿意(李克特尺度平均值約為4),表示園區整體供應面已符合目前需求面之要求。(2)已婚遊客滿意度明顯高於未婚遊客。管理單位對單身未婚者之偏好,如隱蔽性、環境清幽性及團體性活動設計方面可進一步加強。 The purpose of this study is to understand underlying principles of visitors experience satisfaction at National Shin-hua Arboretum, NCHU. Convenient sampling is used in On-site questionnaire survey and carries total 203 valid samples returned. The findings are: (1) Both psychological variables and physical environment experiences are pretty good level (about 4) rating by Likert s scales. (2) That married visitors get higher satisfaction than those who are not married means Arboretum administration can pay attention to single-group needs, such as silent atmosphere, environmental privacy, and organized activities.
The purpose of this study is to understand underlying principles of visitors experience satisfaction at National Shin-hua Arboretum, NCHU. Convenient sampling is used in On-site questionnaire survey and carries total 203 valid samples returned. The findings are: (1) Both psychological variables and physical environment experiences are pretty good level (about 4) rating by Likert s scales. (2) That married visitors get higher satisfaction than those who are not married means Arboretum administration can pay attention to single-group needs, such as silent atmosphere, environmental privacy, and organized activities.
起訖頁 55-63
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200903 (31:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 遙測技術應用於溪頭地區柳杉人工林之森林健康調查
該期刊-下一篇 液化柳杉為基質PU發泡體以二乙二醇為溶劑之醇解及其產物回收再利用




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