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Assessment on Morphological Characteristics of International Provenance Trials of2 Years Old Casuarina equisetifolia Plantation in Taiwan
作者 陳財輝韓明琦廖天賜
本研究依澳洲CSIRO訂定之14項形態特徵區分標車,調查評估木賊葉木麻黃28個種源2年生林木在雲林縣四湖試區之形態生長表現。不同種瘋間僅葉受害及開花與否兩項呈顯著差異外,其餘定性特徵輿樹高、胸徑與成活牽皆呈現極顯著差異。綜合各種源之成活率、樹高1立胸徑等定量生長資料,以原生種源區菲律賓之詞,13號和引進栽種於中國之22號、埃及之10號、斯旦蘭卡之24號、印度之7號及越南之14號等種觀的生長較佳。樹幹形態上,各種瀰林木主幹維持性以主幹距地面2/4-3/4處分叉為多,斯早蘭卡之24, 25號種頓的主幹雄持性最佳。主幹直立性大略以垂直、具有2個以上彎曲者居多,肯亞之11號及馬來西亞之16號種瘋則有最佳的主幹直立性。各種源永存性側技呈現極密、不規則技帳且節間長約15cm之分布為多,側枝粗細度則以極粗且側技角度小於60。者居多,側拉長度以巴布E新幾內E之12號與中國之22號種游最長。本試驗之種源產地可分為澳洲與太平洋島嶼天然分布區、東南亞天然分布區、E洲與非洲引進種游區等4穎,東南亞天然分布區與亞洲引進種區之種瓣,在生長及幹形之表現均較佳。主成分因子分析顯示原生種觀間並無明顯之群團,木賦葉木麻黃28個種源間形態變異極大,歸群分析之樹狀圖則顯示出一些引進種源可能之引入來源,如非洲壤及之3與4號種源與澳洲天然分布區之關島種源闌係密切。 As a part of international provenance trials, 28 provenances of 2 years old Casuarinaequisetifolia plantation in S曲u, Yuenglin County Taiwan were assessed for 14 growth and morphologicalcharacteristics by the 甜甜ssment procedures of CSIRO. The results revealed significant differences缸nong provenances in all characteristics. Natural provenance No.23, 13 from Philippine, and theintroduced provenance No. 22企om China, No.10 from Egypt, No.24企om Sri Lanka, No. 7 from India,No.14 from Vietnam showed superior grow仕1. On the characteristics of stem form, provenances No.24,25企om Sri Lanka demonstrated superior axis persistence, while No. 11 from Kenya, and No.16企om Malaysia showed the best stem strai拉tness. Most trees of Casuarina equisetifolia have manybranches with permanent branches characterized by irregularly branched with inter-node Ieng曲m也nly缸ound 15 cm, branches mostly heavy with angle < 60°, provenances from Papua New Guniea (No.12) and China (No.22) have the longest branch length. In terms of origin, 也e occurrence of theseprovenances include four broad regions, i.e. natural occurrences in Australia/the Pacific Islands,natural occurrences in South-East Asia, introduced populations from Asia and introduced populations企om A企ica. Provenances from natural occurrences in South-East Asia and in甘: oduced populationsfrom Asia have better performance in growth and stem form. Factor analysis on principal componentssuggested no pa加m of significant separation between proven祖ces from natural occurrence zones.Cluster analysis showed the possible origi的of some introduced provenances, such as the closerelationship between provenances No.3, 4企om A企ica and the natural proven祖ce No.5 from Aus甘alia.
As a part of international provenance trials, 28 provenances of 2 years old Casuarinaequisetifolia plantation in S曲u, Yuenglin County Taiwan were assessed for 14 growth and morphologicalcharacteristics by the 甜甜ssment procedures of CSIRO. The results revealed significant differences缸nong provenances in all characteristics. Natural provenance No.23, 13 from Philippine, and theintroduced provenance No. 22企om China, No.10 from Egypt, No.24企om Sri Lanka, No. 7 from India,No.14 from Vietnam showed superior grow仕1. On the characteristics of stem form, provenances No.24,25企om Sri Lanka demonstrated superior axis persistence, while No. 11 from Kenya, and No.16企om Malaysia showed the best stem strai拉tness. Most trees of Casuarina equisetifolia have manybranches with permanent branches characterized by irregularly branched with inter-node Ieng曲m也nly缸ound 15 cm, branches mostly heavy with angle < 60°, provenances from Papua New Guniea (No.12) and China (No.22) have the longest branch length. In terms of origin, 也e occurrence of theseprovenances include four broad regions, i.e. natural occurrences in Australia/the Pacific Islands,natural occurrences in South-East Asia, introduced populations from Asia and introduced populations企om A企ica. Provenances from natural occurrences in South-East Asia and in甘: oduced populationsfrom Asia have better performance in growth and stem form. Factor analysis on principal componentssuggested no pa加m of significant separation between proven祖ces from natural occurrence zones.Cluster analysis showed the possible origi的of some introduced provenances, such as the closerelationship between provenances No.3, 4企om A企ica and the natural proven祖ce No.5 from Aus甘alia.
起訖頁 1-12
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200712 (29:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 瑞太地區植群之研究




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