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Studies on the Flora and Plant Communities of Penghu
作者 王志強陳一正邱清安林志銓曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)歐辰雄呂金誠
澎湖地區之地理環境特殊,其植群與臺灣本島差異頗大,本研究乃針對澎湖地區植物相調查與整理。並設立樣區進行植群調查,以矩陣群團分析、相關分析、生活型等來探討澎湖植相與植群。本研究共計記錄澎湖地區植物種類計99科439種,其中雙子葉植物有74科233屬327種,單子葉植物18科67屬102種,裸子植物4科5屬6種,蕨類植物3科3屬4種。因地緣接近之故,植物區系與臺灣本島最為密切。在設置的65個樣區中,出現的植物種類共有128種,以禾本科植物最佔優勢,共有42種,其次為豆科17種;出現頻度最高為狗尾草,小葉括根居次。按矩陣群團分析結果,可分成十三個植群型:(1)濱當歸-羅瑞草優勢型(2)馬尼拉芝-臺灣灰毛豆優勢型(3)銀合歡-狗尾草優勢型(4)過江藤-狗尾草優勢型(5)賽芻豆-小葉括根優勢型(6)鹽地鼠尾粟-天蓬草舅優勢型(7)白茅-小葉括根優勢型(8)舖地黍-馬鞍藤優勢型(9)蘆薈-草海桐優勢型(10)苦林盤優勢型(11)馬鞍藤-濱刺草優勢型(12)亨利馬唐優勢型(13)弓果黍優勢型。本區氣候型為「DA da」,氣候乾燥,蕨類商數僅0.377,乾燥為影響植群之主要因子。相關分析結果顯示,環境因子間以pH值與各因子關連性較大。植物社會歧異度分析結果顯示,大多數樣區歧異度偏低,植物社會較不穩定,對環境之應變力較弱。 Due to specific geographical environment, the flora of Penghu differs with that of Taiwanisland. The flora of Penghu was investigated and sorted to establish the checklist of plant resource.Sampling plots were set for vegetation. Then, similarity and environmental relationship of plantcommunities at Penghu were analyzed by means of matrix cluster analysis (MCA), correlation analysis,and life form analysis.Totally 99 families, 439 species of vascular plants were recorded. The floristicregion is closely related to Taiwan island. There are totally 128 species at 65 sample plots. TheGramineae species are predominant. The codominant family are the Leguminosae. The most commonspecies is Setaria viridis, the second is Rhynchosia minima. The results by MCA show that there are13 vegetation type as follow: Angelica firsutiflora-Christia obcordata type, Zoysia matrella- Tephrosiaobovata type, Leucaena leucocephala- Setaria viridis type, Phyla nodiflora- Setaria viridis type,Phaseolus atropurpureus- Rhynchosia minima type, Sporobolus virginicus- Wedlelia prostrate type,Imperata cylindrical var. major- Rhynchosia minima type, Panicum repens- Ipomoea pes-caprae var.brasiliensis type, Aloe vera- Scaevola sericea type, Clerodendrum inerme type, Ipomoea pes-capraevar. brasiliensis- Spinifex littoreus type, Digitaria henryi type.Cyrtococcum patens type.The climatetype is「DA da 」, due to arid climate, pteridophyte- quotient is rather low(0.377). The precipitationand vaporization are main factors to limit the vegetation of Penghu. pH is more closely correlatedwith the other soil properties. The diversity among most sample plots is low. The plant community isless stable.
Due to specific geographical environment, the flora of Penghu differs with that of Taiwanisland. The flora of Penghu was investigated and sorted to establish the checklist of plant resource.Sampling plots were set for vegetation. Then, similarity and environmental relationship of plantcommunities at Penghu were analyzed by means of matrix cluster analysis (MCA), correlation analysis,and life form analysis.Totally 99 families, 439 species of vascular plants were recorded. The floristicregion is closely related to Taiwan island. There are totally 128 species at 65 sample plots. TheGramineae species are predominant. The codominant family are the Leguminosae. The most commonspecies is Setaria viridis, the second is Rhynchosia minima. The results by MCA show that there are13 vegetation type as follow: Angelica firsutiflora-Christia obcordata type, Zoysia matrella- Tephrosiaobovata type, Leucaena leucocephala- Setaria viridis type, Phyla nodiflora- Setaria viridis type,Phaseolus atropurpureus- Rhynchosia minima type, Sporobolus virginicus- Wedlelia prostrate type,Imperata cylindrical var. major- Rhynchosia minima type, Panicum repens- Ipomoea pes-caprae var.brasiliensis type, Aloe vera- Scaevola sericea type, Clerodendrum inerme type, Ipomoea pes-capraevar. brasiliensis- Spinifex littoreus type, Digitaria henryi type.Cyrtococcum patens type.The climatetype is「DA da 」, due to arid climate, pteridophyte- quotient is rather low(0.377). The precipitationand vaporization are main factors to limit the vegetation of Penghu. pH is more closely correlatedwith the other soil properties. The diversity among most sample plots is low. The plant community isless stable.
起訖頁 1-17
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200706 (29:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 出雲山苗圃菌根調查與苗木菌根接種試驗




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