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The Market Segmentation of Forest Ecotourism- A Case Study of Ali-shan, Man-yueh-yuan and Ken-ting Forest Recreation Areas
作者 黃有傑葉美智羅紹麟
本研究以「需求層次理論」和「自我決定理論」作為遊憩需求及動機的主要理論架構,進行森林生態旅遊區的市場區隔及定位。研究以阿里山、滿月圓及墾丁三處國家森林遊樂區作為實證地點,以事後區隔模式進行人口統計、地理、心理及行為變數等分析。結果顯示遊客進行森林生態旅遊的動機主要可分為4項,分別為「身心健康」、「地區互動」、「嗜好興趣」和「自我意志」;而依動機因素對遊客進行集群分析後,可得到2個市場區隔族群,分別定名為「單純為生態旅遊活動而來」及「為了自身健康及抒解調適」。此外若以基本性格變數來進行分類,則主要包含「環境關懷」、「社會關懷」和「資源關懷」等3個因素,並將市場區分為「對社會及環境充滿關懷」及「對社會及環境較冷淡」2類。 The main purpose of this paper is to study the market segmentation and position offorest ecotourism areas by“theory of need hierarchy”and“self-determination theory”to studyrecreation needs and motives. 3 study areas were chosen there are Ali-shan,Man-yueh-yuan and Ken-tingforest recreation areas. Post-hoc segmentation model with demographic, geographic, psychologic andbehavioral variables were applied for segmentation analysis. The results were shown that recreation motives factors of visitors go to forest ecotourism areas were“health of body and mind”,“localizedinteraction”,“hobby and interest”and“self-awareness”. According to their recreation motivesthe tourists were segmented into two groups with“just for ecotourism”and“self-health andself-relaxation”. The character factors of tourists were including“care of environment”,“care ofsociety”, and“care of natural resources”. The tourists were be segmented into two groups accordingto their character :“the full care of society and environment”and“the coldness of society and environment”.
The main purpose of this paper is to study the market segmentation and position offorest ecotourism areas by“theory of need hierarchy”and“self-determination theory”to studyrecreation needs and motives. 3 study areas were chosen there are Ali-shan,Man-yueh-yuan and Ken-tingforest recreation areas. Post-hoc segmentation model with demographic, geographic, psychologic andbehavioral variables were applied for segmentation analysis. The results were shown that recreation motives factors of visitors go to forest ecotourism areas were“health of body and mind”,“localizedinteraction”,“hobby and interest”and“self-awareness”. According to their recreation motivesthe tourists were segmented into two groups with“just for ecotourism”and“self-health andself-relaxation”. The character factors of tourists were including“care of environment”,“care ofsociety”, and“care of natural resources”. The tourists were be segmented into two groups accordingto their character :“the full care of society and environment”and“the coldness of society and environment”.
起訖頁 51-66
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200703 (29:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 私有林主經營意願與造林獎勵方式關係之探討--以台中縣為例
該期刊-下一篇 環氧壓克力樹脂之合成及其做為紫外線硬化型木材塗料之應用




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