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Studies on the Satisfaction of Forest Recreation Areas- Illustrated with the Tai-Pin-Shan National ForestRecreation Area
作者 林鴻忠林浩立廖天賜
森林遊樂區供給面之遊憩機會係結合靜態與動態的活動規劃,將具特色的自然與人文景觀資源,搭配活動安排設計、完善的設施及服務內容為創造滿意體驗、良好品牌及重遊意願的重要因素。但在需求面之遊客整體與個別性需要如未能獲得滿足,如何釐平這這供需面缺口,常是經營者努力的方向,透過遊客行為及反應進行分析,有效掌握其心理需求,變成為改進經營管理策略之重要參考資訊來源。本文以戶外遊憩經營管理模式,透過問卷調查住宿遊客對太平山森林遊樂區產品及服務之重視度及滿意度,找出供需缺口。透過15個月住房遊客之調查意見進行分析,結果顯示:整體滿意度呈現正面評價,其中以太平山之景觀維護、自然步道設施、人員服務態度之滿意度較高,收費的作業方式滿意度較低,其他尚需改善的項目有餐飲及住宿之軟硬體服務。 Outdoor recreation is a mixtured planning of static and dynamic activities. The importantfactors, influencing visitor travel back again and creating its brand extension, include the specialresources of nature and humanity, some design of activities, some good service systems and facilities.Visitors’ demand has personal difference. Through an analysis of visitor behavior and response, managerswill be able to understand visitors’ mind and demand furthermore. Then they could think about how toimprove their strategy in relation to the research issue.This paper is a research about management model of outdoor recreation. Through the questionnairefor fifteen months, we concluded the visitors’ respond and found the management defect as well as fromservice satisfaction while they staying in forest recreation area. We got a positive evaluation of whole satisfaction collected questionnaire by way of “Related Sample One way Analysis of Variance, One wayANOVA”. The scenery of Tai-Pin-Shan, natural trail, service attitude; especially, got higher percentage ofsatisfaction. As to traveling expenses got lower percentage of satisfaction. Other items, such as dining orlodging, still have gaps to be improved.
Outdoor recreation is a mixtured planning of static and dynamic activities. The importantfactors, influencing visitor travel back again and creating its brand extension, include the specialresources of nature and humanity, some design of activities, some good service systems and facilities.Visitors’ demand has personal difference. Through an analysis of visitor behavior and response, managerswill be able to understand visitors’ mind and demand furthermore. Then they could think about how toimprove their strategy in relation to the research issue.This paper is a research about management model of outdoor recreation. Through the questionnairefor fifteen months, we concluded the visitors’ respond and found the management defect as well as fromservice satisfaction while they staying in forest recreation area. We got a positive evaluation of whole satisfaction collected questionnaire by way of “Related Sample One way Analysis of Variance, One wayANOVA”. The scenery of Tai-Pin-Shan, natural trail, service attitude; especially, got higher percentage ofsatisfaction. As to traveling expenses got lower percentage of satisfaction. Other items, such as dining orlodging, still have gaps to be improved.
起訖頁 29-42
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200612 (28:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 惠蓀林場紅檜人工林與闊葉樹次生林植群監測
該期刊-下一篇 以原生植群移除嘉義布袋廢曬鹽場土壤鹽分之可行性探討




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