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Vegetation Classification and Mapping of Piluchi Basin
作者 蔡佳育陳明義 (Ming-Yih Chen)陳恩倫陳文民俞秋豐
畢祿溪流域是德基水庫重要集水區之一,存有豐富多樣的植物資源。本研究調查與分析畢祿溪流域內之植群,共設置57個樣區,調查上木胸高直徑(DBH)及地被覆蓋度,以矩陣群團分析(MCA)及降趨對應分析(DCA)進行植群分類,共分為9個植群型。植群型分布與海拔高有關,海拔由高至低依次為:(A)玉山箭竹型、(B)玉山圓柏型、(C)臺灣高山杜鵑型、(D)臺灣鐵杉型、(E)臺灣二葉松型、(F)狹葉櫟型、(G)臺灣黃杉型、(H)臺灣赤楊型、(I)臺灣肉桂型。區內共記錄到維管束植物113科294屬545種;認定稀有植物48種,其中19種為臺灣特有種。本研究參考植群分型為基本單元,繪製畢祿溪流域之植群圖,提供相關研究與永續經營之參考。為生物多樣性保育及水源涵養,建議全集水區嚴禁濫墾、盜採、放火等人為干擾。 The vegetation of Piluchi Basin, a part of Techi Reservoir Catchment, were investigated,classified and mapped. 57 plots were sampled in this study area. The diameter at breast height (DBH) ofoverstory trees and the coverage of understory species were measured. Totally 545 species of vascularplants, belonging to 294 genera and 113 families, were found. Among them 48 species including 19endemic species were recognized as rare species that have to be strictly protected. According to floristiccompositions of the plots, 9 vegetation types were classified by matrix cluster analysis (MCA) anddetrended correspondence analysis (DCA). The distributions of vegetation types were related to the altitude. From high to low elevation, vegetation types are: (A) Yushania niitakayamensis type, (B)Juniperus squamata var. morrisonicola type, (C) Rhododendron rubropilosum var. taiwanalpinum type,(D) Tsuga chinensis var . formosana type, (E) Pinus taiwanensis type, (F) Cyclobalanopsisstenophylloides type, (G) Pseudotsuga wilsoniana type, (H) Alnus formosana type, and (I) Cinnamomuminsulari-montanum type. Using the vegetation types as mapping units, this study also provided avegetation map for related research and management. For the conservations of biodiversity, soil andwater, all man-caused illegal disturbances should be strictly prohibited in this watershed.
The vegetation of Piluchi Basin, a part of Techi Reservoir Catchment, were investigated,classified and mapped. 57 plots were sampled in this study area. The diameter at breast height (DBH) ofoverstory trees and the coverage of understory species were measured. Totally 545 species of vascularplants, belonging to 294 genera and 113 families, were found. Among them 48 species including 19endemic species were recognized as rare species that have to be strictly protected. According to floristiccompositions of the plots, 9 vegetation types were classified by matrix cluster analysis (MCA) anddetrended correspondence analysis (DCA). The distributions of vegetation types were related to the altitude. From high to low elevation, vegetation types are: (A) Yushania niitakayamensis type, (B)Juniperus squamata var. morrisonicola type, (C) Rhododendron rubropilosum var. taiwanalpinum type,(D) Tsuga chinensis var . formosana type, (E) Pinus taiwanensis type, (F) Cyclobalanopsisstenophylloides type, (G) Pseudotsuga wilsoniana type, (H) Alnus formosana type, and (I) Cinnamomuminsulari-montanum type. Using the vegetation types as mapping units, this study also provided avegetation map for related research and management. For the conservations of biodiversity, soil andwater, all man-caused illegal disturbances should be strictly prohibited in this watershed.
起訖頁 1-15
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200609 (28:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 密鱗長花柄蘭之重新發現與新組合學名




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