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Land Use Pattern on the Spatial Distribution of Landslides at the Shihmen Reservoir Watershed
作者 陳曉琪林家榮 (Jia-Jung Lin)劉昌文
石門水庫集水區因艾利、馬莎等颱風暴雨侵襲,造成嚴重崩塌災害致使大量泥沙沖入庫區,導致水質濁度異常等問題不斷發生,其中艾利颱風更造成大桃園地區停水數週,嚴重影響民眾生活與作息。本研究以石門水庫集水區為研究範圍,分析區內各權責機關不同土地利用類別之崩塌情形,以提供各機關於土地管理策略之建議;另分析顯示,石門水庫集水區因幅員遼闊,經營管理機關眾多,土地管理法令依據各有所本,在管理上因橫向聯繫配合不足,易形成政策執行與實務推展之窒礙,因此,為統合法規及統一事權以達到步調一致的目標,訂定「單一水庫集水區管理法」為今後水庫集水區經營管理上應考量之方向,期對台灣水庫集水區之永續經營管理有所助益。 The Shihmen Reservoir watershed was severely damaged by the typhoon AERE and/orMATSA for catastrophic rainfall. It caused large scales of sediment disaster and resulted in water supplyinterruption in Taoyuan area. Reasons of the disaster were analyzed from different spatial scales on theShihmen Reservoir watershed. The managing authorities of the reservoir watershed are under thejurisdiction of separate governments. Lacking of rational participation for governments and effectivesupervision, even more different executive regulations applied for management, the policy-making andpractical implementation are facing serious consequences. In order to improve this situation, a generalexecutive committee for reservoir watershed management is required and necessary. This organization can be the administration center to fully implement tasks such as supervision, investigation, enforcement,management, and development. In the regulation levels, how to integrate current diversified regulations toa single and powerful reservoir watershed management regulation can be the major concern in the future.
The Shihmen Reservoir watershed was severely damaged by the typhoon AERE and/orMATSA for catastrophic rainfall. It caused large scales of sediment disaster and resulted in water supplyinterruption in Taoyuan area. Reasons of the disaster were analyzed from different spatial scales on theShihmen Reservoir watershed. The managing authorities of the reservoir watershed are under thejurisdiction of separate governments. Lacking of rational participation for governments and effectivesupervision, even more different executive regulations applied for management, the policy-making andpractical implementation are facing serious consequences. In order to improve this situation, a generalexecutive committee for reservoir watershed management is required and necessary. This organization can be the administration center to fully implement tasks such as supervision, investigation, enforcement,management, and development. In the regulation levels, how to integrate current diversified regulations toa single and powerful reservoir watershed management regulation can be the major concern in the future.
起訖頁 79-91
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200606 (28:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 竹炭粉添加對PVA/Silica混成材料性質之影響
該期刊-下一篇 A Glimpse of Environmental Conservation at the Nanan- Walame Eco-tourism Route, Yushan National Park




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