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Analysis of The Intention of Revisit to The Recreation Area-A Case Study in Hui-Sun Forest Area
作者 曾建薰羅紹麟
本研究透過遊客問卷方式,調查中興大學實驗林惠蓀林場森林遊樂區遊客滿意度及其重遊意願之態度資料,藉由邏輯回歸分析方法,闡明遊客滿意度與重遊意願之相關關係及重遊意願預測模型。研究結果顯示:不同年齡層之遊客其重遊意願比率是不一樣的,天然資源環境、公共遊憩設施及價格滿意度為影響遊客重遊意願的主要變項。滿意度影響遊客重遊意願,若以不滿意遊客為比較基準時,滿意之遊客相較於不滿意遊客,每增加一單位滿意度時,願意重遊與不顧意重遊之勝算比值為原來的80倍,即愈滿意的遊客,其重遊意願愈高。 The research through the way of the questionnaire to investigate the attitude data of visitors satisfaction and the intention of revisit in Hui-Sun Forest Recreation Area by means of logistic regression to clarify the relative relationship of visitors satisfaction and intention of revisit. The results show that the intention of revisit affected only by age categories for visitors background data. The primacy variables that affected the intention of revisit were the satisfactions of natural resources, public and/or recreational facilities and price by means of logistic regression. The intention of revisit affected by visitor’s satisfaction been identified, holding constant the effect of not satisfaction, the odds ratio of satisfaction was 80 multiplier for that adds ratio of dissatisfaction, that means, the higher satisfaction, then the higher intention of revisit. The consumer satisfaction exerts a stronger influence on purchase intention, thus, the managers may need to emphasize total customer satisfaction programs over strategies centering solely on service quality and should also be able to adjust their marketing strategies more effectively.
The research through the way of the questionnaire to investigate the attitude data of visitors satisfaction and the intention of revisit in Hui-Sun Forest Recreation Area by means of logistic regression to clarify the relative relationship of visitors satisfaction and intention of revisit. The results show that the intention of revisit affected only by age categories for visitors background data. The primacy variables that affected the intention of revisit were the satisfactions of natural resources, public and/or recreational facilities and price by means of logistic regression. The intention of revisit affected by visitor’s satisfaction been identified, holding constant the effect of not satisfaction, the odds ratio of satisfaction was 80 multiplier for that adds ratio of dissatisfaction, that means, the higher satisfaction, then the higher intention of revisit. The consumer satisfaction exerts a stronger influence on purchase intention, thus, the managers may need to emphasize total customer satisfaction programs over strategies centering solely on service quality and should also be able to adjust their marketing strategies more effectively.
起訖頁 115-123
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200512 (27:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 社區林業參與及培力機制之研究──以台大實驗林為例
該期刊-下一篇 穩定碳同位素在森林生態系之應用




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