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Climate Change : The Forest Environmental Consciousness Approach
作者 羅紹麟
氣候變遷直接間接改變環境現況,而環境變化又會改變人類的習慣與價值觀,人們為能調適新的環境會找新的生活方式與產生新的環境行為。本篇論文係透過個人與集體,從感覺、印象、認知的意識中對森林受到氣候變遷產生的連環影響作初步觀念與價值的探索,並從中尋找共識作為未來擬定林業經營政策之參考。 Environment has been influenced directly or indirectly by climate change, and the change of the environment will alter the ordinance and the value of human beings. People will create new life style and environmental behavior to acclimate the new environment. This study was to address the concept and value of individual and group about the feeling, impression and cognition from forest consciousness by climate change, and the findings of consensus will be provided for the decision making of the forest management.
Environment has been influenced directly or indirectly by climate change, and the change of the environment will alter the ordinance and the value of human beings. People will create new life style and environmental behavior to acclimate the new environment. This study was to address the concept and value of individual and group about the feeling, impression and cognition from forest consciousness by climate change, and the findings of consensus will be provided for the decision making of the forest management.
起訖頁 63-78
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200512 (27:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 整合植群調查之樣區資料
該期刊-下一篇 從永續理念探討老樹保護之立法




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