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Vegetation Diversity in the North Watershed of Peikang River
作者 陳明義 (Ming-Yih Chen)陳恩倫陳文民羅南璋
北港溪是台灣中部烏溪兩大支流之一。在北港溪北岸有帖比倫溪、九仙溪、尾敏溪、美湯岸溪、眉原溪、水長流溪等分支,這些流域之植群資料欠缺。本研究探討北港溪北岸集水區之植群多樣性,藉由野外所調查的65個樣區植群資料,應用PC-ORD軟體分析,並比對前人之文獻資料,將集水區內之植群分群並命名之。在研究區內共記錄到維管束植物107科、267屬、418種。稀有物種包括:菲律賓胡頹子、毛瓣石楠、秀柱花、南投石櫟、蓮華池伶木、馬銀花、子彈石櫟及台灣紅豆樹。依雙向指標積分析法(TWINSPAN)表列分析結果,再加以重新整理成列表比較法之格式,北港溪北岸集水區之植群可分為七個群叢,而在豬腳楠群叢及狗骨仔群叢中,又可依其特徵種分別再分出三個及四個林型如下:I.台灣冷杉群叢。II.台灣鐵杉多群叢。111.台灣鵝掌柴群叢。IV.豬腳楠群叢,再分:。IV-l.紅繪豬腳楠林型。IV-2.霧社木薑子-豬腳楠林型。IV-3.杏葉石櫟-豬腳楠林型。V.狗骨仔群叢,再分:。V-1.木蠟樹-狗骨仔林型。V-2.青菜楠-狗骨仔林型。V-3野桐-狗骨仔林型。V-4.小葉樹杞-狗骨仔林型。VI.櫸木群叢。VII.山黃麻群叢。 Peikang River is a main branch of Wu River in central Taiwan. In the north watershed of Peikang River, there are Tieibiluen Stream, Jioushien Stream, Weimien Stream, Meitaogan Stream, Meiyuan Stream, and Shueichaoglieu Stream. The vegetation diversity in these basins has not been investigated. We set up and investigated 65 plots in these basins and analyzed the vegetation diversity using two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) method. Totally 418 species of vascular plant were recorded. Rare species include Elaeagnus triflora, Photinia lasiopetala, Ormosia formosana, Eustigma oblongifolium, Litbocarpus nantoensis, Rhododendron ovatum, Lithocarpus glaber and Eurya rengechiensis. Vegetation in the north watershed of Peikang River could be divided into seven associations and seven forest types as follows: I . Abies kawakamii ASS. II. Tsuga chinensis var. formosana ASS. Ill. Schefflera taiwaniana ASS. IV. Machilus thunbergii ASS. : IV -1. Chamaecyparis formosensis - Machilus thunbergii forest type IV -2. Litsea elongata var. mushaensis - Machilus thunbergii forest type IV -3. Lithocarpus amygdalifolius - Machilus thunbergii forest type V. Tricalysia dubia ASS. : V -1. Rhus succedanea - Tricalysia dubia forest type V -2. Machilus mushaensis - Tricalysia dubia forest type V -3. Mallotus japonicus- Tricalysia dubia forest type V -4. Ardisia quinquegona - Tricalysia dubia forest type VI. Zelkova serrata ASS. VII. Trema orientalis ASS.
Peikang River is a main branch of Wu River in central Taiwan. In the north watershed of Peikang River, there are Tieibiluen Stream, Jioushien Stream, Weimien Stream, Meitaogan Stream, Meiyuan Stream, and Shueichaoglieu Stream. The vegetation diversity in these basins has not been investigated. We set up and investigated 65 plots in these basins and analyzed the vegetation diversity using two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) method. Totally 418 species of vascular plant were recorded. Rare species include Elaeagnus triflora, Photinia lasiopetala, Ormosia formosana, Eustigma oblongifolium, Litbocarpus nantoensis, Rhododendron ovatum, Lithocarpus glaber and Eurya rengechiensis. Vegetation in the north watershed of Peikang River could be divided into seven associations and seven forest types as follows: I . Abies kawakamii ASS. II. Tsuga chinensis var. formosana ASS. Ill. Schefflera taiwaniana ASS. IV. Machilus thunbergii ASS. : IV -1. Chamaecyparis formosensis - Machilus thunbergii forest type IV -2. Litsea elongata var. mushaensis - Machilus thunbergii forest type IV -3. Lithocarpus amygdalifolius - Machilus thunbergii forest type V. Tricalysia dubia ASS. : V -1. Rhus succedanea - Tricalysia dubia forest type V -2. Machilus mushaensis - Tricalysia dubia forest type V -3. Mallotus japonicus- Tricalysia dubia forest type V -4. Ardisia quinquegona - Tricalysia dubia forest type VI. Zelkova serrata ASS. VII. Trema orientalis ASS.
起訖頁 61-75
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200506 (27:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 惠蓀林場臺灣榕的榕果生產表現
該期刊-下一篇 論台灣常見行道樹之問題(續)




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