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Evaluation on Strength Properties and Combustion Emissions from Particleboards with Various Manufactured Factors
作者 林栢成林翰謙黃金城夏滄琪
本研究目的在評估各種製造條件粒片板之強度性質與燃燒後氣體釋出量之相關性。製板因子涵蓋膠合劑種類、粒片大小、製板密度高低及佈膠量多寡等,其強度性質之測定包括:靜曲強度(MOR)、彈性係數(MOE)、內聚強度(IB strength)等。在燃燒釋出氣體分析係使用煙道氣體分析儀(Flue-gas Analyzer)以連續釋出監測(Continuous Emission Monitoring, CEM)方式測定CO, NOx, SO2,O2及CO2的排氣溫度,其各最高釋出量再與自製粒片飯之各種強度性質做相關性分析。試驗結果顯示,板材在燃燒時間100秒前之氣體釋出量為最高,爾後隨著燃燒時間增加而逐漸減少。就佈膠量而言,佈膠量愈多,粒片板之MOR及MOE較高,且其CO排出量愈多。又知粒片大小對NOx之釋出量與MOR、MOE、IB strength皆有較高之相關性。在不同密度製板條件下,酚膠(PF)者與三聚氰胺-尿素共縮合膠合劑(MUF)者皆發現CO及NOx之最高釋出量與MOR、MOE及IB strength具有相闢性,但NOx之最高釋出量而言,除與板材之各種強度性質具有較高相關性外,以MUF作為膠合劑之粒片板較以PF者為高。 Experiment was conducted to evaluate the correlation between the strength properties of particleboards with various manufactured factors and the gases emitted from particleboard combustion. Particleboards were manufactured with various factors, types of adhesives, size of particles, density of boards, amount of resin content, etc. The strength properties, MOR. MOE, and IB strength, of various boards was investigated. The emission gas concentrations of O2 and CO2, and the emission contents (CO, SO2 and NOx) during the combustion were measured using a Flue-gas Analyzer from the exit of a 45° flammability testing cabinet as specified in the Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) techniques. The emission contents had the highest value before 100 sec, and the decreasing tendency was then reached to the end of combustion with the increase of combustion time. The correlation-analyzed by statistical analysis between the maximum value of emission contents and the strength properties was examined. Results showed that the more the amount of resin content, the greater the MOR and MOE of boards, the greater the CO emissions from the particleboards combustion. A higher correlation was found between NOx emissions and MOR, MOE, m strength of boards with various particle sizes. The maximum value of CO and NOx emissions for the particleboards at the different board density with either PF or MUF were closely related to the MOR, MOE, and IB strength, but for NOx emissions, besides a higher correlation to each strength property, the particleboard with MUF was higher than that with PF.
Experiment was conducted to evaluate the correlation between the strength properties of particleboards with various manufactured factors and the gases emitted from particleboard combustion. Particleboards were manufactured with various factors, types of adhesives, size of particles, density of boards, amount of resin content, etc. The strength properties, MOR. MOE, and IB strength, of various boards was investigated. The emission gas concentrations of O2 and CO2, and the emission contents (CO, SO2 and NOx) during the combustion were measured using a Flue-gas Analyzer from the exit of a 45° flammability testing cabinet as specified in the Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM) techniques. The emission contents had the highest value before 100 sec, and the decreasing tendency was then reached to the end of combustion with the increase of combustion time. The correlation-analyzed by statistical analysis between the maximum value of emission contents and the strength properties was examined. Results showed that the more the amount of resin content, the greater the MOR and MOE of boards, the greater the CO emissions from the particleboards combustion. A higher correlation was found between NOx emissions and MOR, MOE, m strength of boards with various particle sizes. The maximum value of CO and NOx emissions for the particleboards at the different board density with either PF or MUF were closely related to the MOR, MOE, and IB strength, but for NOx emissions, besides a higher correlation to each strength property, the particleboard with MUF was higher than that with PF.
起訖頁 53-65
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200503 (27:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 台灣紅檜精油嗅聞後對人體生理與感官之影響
該期刊-下一篇 鹽分對水黃皮苗木形質生長、水分狀態及植物體氯離子濃度之影響




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