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Agricultural Landowners' Participation in the Plain Landscape Afforestation Program (PLAP): A Case Study in Taitung County, Taiwan
作者 羅凱安
台灣之平地景觀新植造林計畫(PLAP),是政府企圖改變平地景觀,利用補助來吸引地主在農地上新植造林之政策。自2002年以來所推行,其成效備受關注,本研究之目的即是以低度發展之台東縣為研究地區,應用人員訪問之問卷調查方式,來探討此一政策之成效與影響因素。結果顯示在2003年訪問的651個擁有農地的地主樣本中,在第一年的政策宣傳下,具有6%有意顧參加。而經由分析所調查地主參與與否的動機,本研究提出一個地主參與PLAP之決策過程模式(KART),亦即計畫宣傳(相關知識,K)、期望效益(吸引力,A)、機會成本(排斥力,R)以及計畫規定(參與門檻,T)是四個最重要的影響因素,來解釋地主的參與行為。並藉由檢定可能影響變數之顯著性,對此計畫提供三點建議:1提升計畫宣傳技巧並鎖定有效的訊息管道,2.研究開發所推廣樹種的新用途俾使投資造林變為有利,3在造林地點的規劃上應以能發揮計畫所期望效益較大者優先執行,似乎較無規劃而任由地主自行零散造林來得有成效。 The Plain Landscape Afforestation Program (PLAP) is a government subsidy program in Taiwan which attempts to change plain landscape into forest starting 2002. Nowaday, its effectiveness is perhaps doubtful. In this study, survey techniques were applied to explore the factors that influences the effectiveness of the PLAP in a less-developed county, Taitung County where is situated at the southeastern part of Taiwan. Among 651 surveyed landowners, 6% expressed their willingness to participate in the PLAP during the first year promotion period. A decision-process model was formulated to explain agricultural landowners' willingness of participating in the PLAP. Four factors were found and they were: (1) program promotion (knowledge factor), (2) benefit (attraction factor), (3) opportunity cost (repulsion factor), and (4) program requirement (threshold factor). In order to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of the PLAP, recommendations to better proceed the PLAP were concluded and they were: (1) to advance the promotion techniques and target the effective channels of connecting the agricultural landowners; (2) to make planting tree business profitable by developing new purposes of trees or woods; (3) to replace nationwide policy with the area focus policy.
The Plain Landscape Afforestation Program (PLAP) is a government subsidy program in Taiwan which attempts to change plain landscape into forest starting 2002. Nowaday, its effectiveness is perhaps doubtful. In this study, survey techniques were applied to explore the factors that influences the effectiveness of the PLAP in a less-developed county, Taitung County where is situated at the southeastern part of Taiwan. Among 651 surveyed landowners, 6% expressed their willingness to participate in the PLAP during the first year promotion period. A decision-process model was formulated to explain agricultural landowners' willingness of participating in the PLAP. Four factors were found and they were: (1) program promotion (knowledge factor), (2) benefit (attraction factor), (3) opportunity cost (repulsion factor), and (4) program requirement (threshold factor). In order to improve the effectiveness of the implementation of the PLAP, recommendations to better proceed the PLAP were concluded and they were: (1) to advance the promotion techniques and target the effective channels of connecting the agricultural landowners; (2) to make planting tree business profitable by developing new purposes of trees or woods; (3) to replace nationwide policy with the area focus policy.
起訖頁 17-30
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200503 (27:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 鹼處理對麻竹表面性質與塗膜附著性之影響
該期刊-下一篇 台灣紅檜精油嗅聞後對人體生理與感官之影響




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