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A Study on Leaseholders' Intention in Forest Management Before and After Lands Regist to the Sale Public Lands to Leaseholders─A Case Study on Chiayi Akasi Farmland
作者 陳宏基林喻東
嘉義縣赤司農場其權屬為國有,屬於低海拔山坡地,土地使用編定為農牧用地及林業用地,目前正以公地放領手段辦理放領予承租人作業中。農場內林業用地公地放領後由於土地所有權的變動(由公有變為私有),土地所有權人為追求最大的經營效益、提高收益,對土地使用經營型態必將造成影響。本研究以嘉義縣赤司農場公地放領個案進行實地調查顯示,違規使用與超限利用情形嚴重,影響國土保安甚鉅。為導正此一課題,以提高營林意願,其前提需顧及林農收益與國土保安之平衡,經以問卷調查方式訪問林農320 戶,從社會層面蒐集經營者基本資料、放領前之使用現況與放領後之使用計畫、林業政策相關資訊之認知、成本與收入等相關資料,進行統計及分析,在兼顧林農收益與國土保安的平衡的前提下,尋求改進之道。 The ownership of Chiayi Akasi Farmland belongs to government. Whole area locate at a lower elevation slope land. These lands are registering to the sale public lands to leaseholders(SPLL) now. After the sale of public lands to leaseholders, they will probably change current management methods under the consideration of making maximum profit . As a study case, we found that against the regulations and exceeding land utilizations are in terrible situation. For solving these problems, we used questionnaire to interview about 320 managers to collect their basic backgrounds, the current situation before SPLL and management plans after SPLL, the recognitions of forest policy, the benefit-cost documents as well. The main purpose of this study is to find a balance between leaseholders' profit and national land conservation.
The ownership of Chiayi Akasi Farmland belongs to government. Whole area locate at a lower elevation slope land. These lands are registering to the sale public lands to leaseholders(SPLL) now. After the sale of public lands to leaseholders, they will probably change current management methods under the consideration of making maximum profit . As a study case, we found that against the regulations and exceeding land utilizations are in terrible situation. For solving these problems, we used questionnaire to interview about 320 managers to collect their basic backgrounds, the current situation before SPLL and management plans after SPLL, the recognitions of forest policy, the benefit-cost documents as well. The main purpose of this study is to find a balance between leaseholders' profit and national land conservation.
起訖頁 23-32
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200406 (26:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 台灣產海茄苳開花物候與授粉生態之研究
該期刊-下一篇 推廣人員對於平地景觀造林計畫相關問題看法之探討




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