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The Application of Bamboo Products to Leisure Industry
作者 鄭殷立郭蘭生
在高溫潮濕之台灣,竹材製品保存較為不易,竹製品無法長期使用。現今竹藝業者運用科技竹材防腐技術結合傳統的工藝製作竹材製品,已能突破竹材運用的限制與缺陷,在利用與保存上有大幅的改善。隨著觀光業的蓬勃發展與生態旅遊的方興未艾,竹材在休閒遊憩上的應用,從室外的景觀、建築到室內裝潢、擺飾,均能展現其典雅氣息與特殊景觀風貌。有效利用竹材於休閒遊憩區,除能增添遊憩區高雅不凡的氣質和姿態外,亦能為台灣的竹藝工業及竹農收入拓展另一番榮景與收入。 Due to the difficulty to preserve bamboo products in humid and hot environments of Taiwan, poor permanence of bamboo products troubled the users to some extents. Presently, some investors in tourism industry could use bamboo more effectively and easily in combination of preserved bamboo and crafts. With the fine texture in bamboo appearance, bamboos are widely used in architecture, landscape, indoor decorations and handcrafts to show an attractive and pleasing atmosphere. In leisure industry, and effective use of bamboo products not only pervades the optimistic mood for tourists, but also raises the income of bamboo-processing makers.
Due to the difficulty to preserve bamboo products in humid and hot environments of Taiwan, poor permanence of bamboo products troubled the users to some extents. Presently, some investors in tourism industry could use bamboo more effectively and easily in combination of preserved bamboo and crafts. With the fine texture in bamboo appearance, bamboos are widely used in architecture, landscape, indoor decorations and handcrafts to show an attractive and pleasing atmosphere. In leisure industry, and effective use of bamboo products not only pervades the optimistic mood for tourists, but also raises the income of bamboo-processing makers.
起訖頁 73-84
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200403 (26:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 應用單一影像多層分析技術評估解體材粒片板之內聚強度




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