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The Attitudes of Fenqihu Residents to Tourism Development-An Application of Social Exchange Theory
作者 林淑芬羅紹麟
本研究應用社會交換理論探討奮起湖地區居民對於觀光衝擊的認知以及對於觀光發展的態度,採用深度訪談的方式進行調查,共訪問16位居民。結果顯示居民對於觀光發展的態度是評價衝擊的結果,而評價會受到交換因子的影響,包括「依賴關係」、「吸引」、「價值觀」以及「互惠公平原則」;依賴觀光程度較高及受到觀光吸引的居民對於正面衝擊的評價普遍高於負面衝擊,對於觀光發展也抱持較為贊同的態度;認為利益分配違反互惠公平原則以及重視生態的居民,則相對感受到較多觀光帶來的負面衝擊。此外居民面對負面衝擊所表現的行為反應,包括欣然接受、容忍和適應三種類型,沒有出現較負面的反應,而且多數贊同奮起湖未來繼續發展觀光。 The purpose of this study is to apply social exchange theory to explore Fenqihu residents' perception on tourism impacts and their attitudes to tourism development. Depth interview is applied and sixteen interviews were conducted to collect data. The findings demonstrate that residents' evaluation of tourism impacts combine to formulate their attitude§ about tourism and that these evaluation are influenced by several exchange factors, including “dependence relation' , 'attraction' , 'value' , and reciprocity and justice principles . The resident who have higher level of dependence on tourism and who is attracted by tourism would evaluate whole impacts more positive, and also hold more favorable attitude on tourism. On the contrary, those who consider the distribution of benefit unfair and who emphasize ecological protection would perceive more negative impacts. The behavior reactions of residents to negative impacts include embracement, tolerance and adjustment, and most residents hold favorable attitudes toward continuing tourism development.
The purpose of this study is to apply social exchange theory to explore Fenqihu residents' perception on tourism impacts and their attitudes to tourism development. Depth interview is applied and sixteen interviews were conducted to collect data. The findings demonstrate that residents' evaluation of tourism impacts combine to formulate their attitude§ about tourism and that these evaluation are influenced by several exchange factors, including “dependence relation' , 'attraction' , 'value' , and reciprocity and justice principles . The resident who have higher level of dependence on tourism and who is attracted by tourism would evaluate whole impacts more positive, and also hold more favorable attitude on tourism. On the contrary, those who consider the distribution of benefit unfair and who emphasize ecological protection would perceive more negative impacts. The behavior reactions of residents to negative impacts include embracement, tolerance and adjustment, and most residents hold favorable attitudes toward continuing tourism development.
起訖頁 35-50
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200312 (25:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 關刀溪試驗地五樹種綠葉第一年的分解和養分動態變化
該期刊-下一篇 熱處理木材的彎曲強度機構與其AE行為




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