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The Characteristics of New Wooden Lodge at Huisun Forest Recreation Area
作者 郭蘭生李明益劉殿南王志強
位於南投縣仁愛鄉中興大學實驗林管理處所轄之惠蓀林場國民旅社區旁之七棟已有二十年(1982年興建)之小木屋,因年久老舊,式樣落伍,故於2002 年重新改建,並於2003 年初,完成新建七棟寬敞之木屋。新建木屋之特徵為外部以進口針葉樹材魚鱗板及內部採省產具美麗節疤之杉木板為主之尖頂有客廳、臥室及衛浴各一間(建於水泥地基上)之適合二人居住的溫馨獨立小木屋,配合屋後原有之森林及屋前之石板小徑。吾人咸信此種森林中之新建小木屋將會吸引遊客前來溫馨小住。 The 7 new slant-roof wooden lodges with imported softwood siding board outside, domestic small-diameter China fir board inside, with one built-in restroom were built on cement base at Huisun forest recreation area in the early of 2003. By its two pleasing brownish wooden rooms (one living room and one family room) with trees at the back of the house and stony pavement at front which make the tourists can’t resist the attraction of these wooden lodges.
The 7 new slant-roof wooden lodges with imported softwood siding board outside, domestic small-diameter China fir board inside, with one built-in restroom were built on cement base at Huisun forest recreation area in the early of 2003. By its two pleasing brownish wooden rooms (one living room and one family room) with trees at the back of the house and stony pavement at front which make the tourists can’t resist the attraction of these wooden lodges.
起訖頁 127-132
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200306 (25:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 森林防火線之探討--生物化防火林帶
該期刊-下一篇 桂竹熱處理及應用




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