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Survey and Analysis of Agroforestry's Technical System in Taiwan
作者 羅紹麟林喻東
本研究的主要目的在瞭解現階段臺灣地區國有林班租地造林地實施混農林作業現況、探討影響混農林主經營混農林作業決策的因素與對混農林作業體系進行評估。本研究訪問了全省八個林管處的400 戶混農林戶,贊成實施混農林業的百分比佔71.5 %,主要誘因是農作物有收入、林木保育水土、維持土地肥力。而對混農林業的總體評估的結果顯示:1.對農作物的收益與銷售管道抱持著悲觀的看法。2.對混農林業在保育水土、美化環境與農林作物的生長抱持著審慎樂觀的看法。3.林產品收益與銷售管道抱持著很悲觀的看法。4.混農林業對社區產業的發展與本身未來的發展不表樂觀。5.林農對現有的政策、法令與政府的輔導感到不滿意。若依據各地區林農所選擇心目中最理想的林木和農作物當成適當的組合方式,林木類受歡迎的包括肖楠、臺灣櫸、烏心石與樟樹;竹類受歡迎的包括麻竹、桂竹與孟宗竹;作物類則包括茶、檳榔、梅、柿子等,配置方式仍以分開栽植最受青睞。如在森林法中訂定:「私有林或國有林事業區出租造林地得視其環境,在不影響水土保持、國土保安、生態保育之情形下,實施以林為主之混農作業,其許可經營之條件、限制方式、作物種類及其他應遵行事項之辦法,由中央主管機關定之」的規定暫時無法獲得百姓的認同,但是執法機關本著誠意施政,以委婉的態度向林農宣導該項政策是為兼顧水土保持與林農生計而設計的,終究是會得到百姓的信任。 The main purposes of this study are to comprehend leased land of national forest's current agroforestry's situation, factors which influence agroforesters' decision making in agroforesty management and evaluation of agroforestry's technical system. We surveyed 12 counties in whole island from October to December in 2001, 400 agroforesters were interviewed personally. The results of evaluation of agroforestry's systems are: (1)pessimistic to crops' benefit and sale channel. (2)optimistic to agroforestry's functions in watershed conservation and environment amenity. (3)very pessimistic to forest product's benefit and sale channel. (4)pessimistic to agroforestry's contribution to community development. (5)dissatisfy with current forest policy and law. If ideal mix patterns of trees and crops were be chosen by agroforseters, in tree species, they favored of Calocedrus formosana, Zelkova formosana, Michelia formosana and Cinnamomum camphora, in bamboo species, they favored of Dendrocalamus latiflorus, Phyllostachys makinoi and Phyllostachys edulis, and in crop species, they favored of Camellia sinensis (tea), Areca catechu, Prunus mume and Diospyros oldhamii. Among several mix arrangement patterns, they favored of separate plantation between trees (or bamboos) and crops. However, if the forest law set an act as follows:'Under principles of water and soil conservation, national land conservation and ecological conservation, owners of private forestland or managers of national leased forestland could carry out agroforestry in which forest play as a major role. Central government will set management conditions, restricted methods, crops species and other acts which should be obligated.' Most of agroforesters didn't approve this act temporarily. If the government patiently promote the design of this act not only emphasis on water and soil conservation but also pay attention to agroforesters' living, perhaps the act will earn agroforesters' trust.
The main purposes of this study are to comprehend leased land of national forest's current agroforestry's situation, factors which influence agroforesters' decision making in agroforesty management and evaluation of agroforestry's technical system. We surveyed 12 counties in whole island from October to December in 2001, 400 agroforesters were interviewed personally. The results of evaluation of agroforestry's systems are: (1)pessimistic to crops' benefit and sale channel. (2)optimistic to agroforestry's functions in watershed conservation and environment amenity. (3)very pessimistic to forest product's benefit and sale channel. (4)pessimistic to agroforestry's contribution to community development. (5)dissatisfy with current forest policy and law. If ideal mix patterns of trees and crops were be chosen by agroforseters, in tree species, they favored of Calocedrus formosana, Zelkova formosana, Michelia formosana and Cinnamomum camphora, in bamboo species, they favored of Dendrocalamus latiflorus, Phyllostachys makinoi and Phyllostachys edulis, and in crop species, they favored of Camellia sinensis (tea), Areca catechu, Prunus mume and Diospyros oldhamii. Among several mix arrangement patterns, they favored of separate plantation between trees (or bamboos) and crops. However, if the forest law set an act as follows:'Under principles of water and soil conservation, national land conservation and ecological conservation, owners of private forestland or managers of national leased forestland could carry out agroforestry in which forest play as a major role. Central government will set management conditions, restricted methods, crops species and other acts which should be obligated.' Most of agroforesters didn't approve this act temporarily. If the government patiently promote the design of this act not only emphasis on water and soil conservation but also pay attention to agroforesters' living, perhaps the act will earn agroforesters' trust.
起訖頁 45-56
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200212 (24:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 紙質文物著生褐斑真菌類之分離與鑑別
該期刊-下一篇 土壤鹽度對繖楊苗木生長、水分狀態及葉綠素濃度之影響




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