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Investigation on Soil Nutrient Contents of Three Stands in the Hui-Sun Forest Station
作者 顏江河陳佳慧
本研究目的在估算惠蓀林場三種林分(天然闊葉林,次生闊葉林,杉木人工林)的土壤化學性質與養分聚積量,每兩個月分別取枝葉層(L、F、H層)與土壤層(0~5, 5~10, 10~15, 15~20, 20~25 cm)進行養分濃度分析。結果顯示枝葉層養分含量除了鎂含量以次生闊葉林最高外,其餘養分都是天然闊葉林高於次生闊葉林、杉木人工林,其養分含量分別為碳7.73~24.57 t/ha;氮為352.0~1,312.3 kg/ha;磷為51.0~262.6 kg/ha;鉀為289.7~1,736.0 kg/ha;鈣為48.4~407.1 kg/ha;鎂為29.8~124.8 kg/ha。土壤層養分含量除了鉀含量以杉木林最高外,其餘也都是天然闊葉林高於次生闊葉林、杉木人工林,其養分含量分別為碳110.56~158.96 kg/ha;全氮為4.94~8.06 t/ha;全磷為1.04~2.52 t/ha;鉀為31.97~96.67 kg/ha。土壤層中有效性磷為8.4~92.7 kg/ha;交換性鉀為350.07~451.34 kg/ha;交換性鈣為134.99~481.98 kg/ha;交換性鎂為78.24~98.95 kg/ha。 The purpose of this study was to estimate the soil and litter layer nutrient contents in three stands (natural hardwood, NS; secondary hardwood, SS; and China-fir plantation, CPS) at Hue-Sun forest station. Litter layer (L、F、H) and soil in different layers (0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-25 cm) were collected every two months for nutrient analysis. Results obtained from this study showed that nutrient contents of litter layers in NS was higher than those in SS and CPS, except that Ca was highest in SS. Litter layer nutrient contents contained: 7.73-24.57 t-C/ha; 352-1312.3 kg-N/ha; 51-262.6 kg-P/ha; 289.7- 1,736 kg-K/ha; 48.4-407.1 kg-Ca/ha; 29.8-124.8 kg-Mg/ha, respectively. Nutrient content of soil layer in NS was also higher than those in SS and CPS, except that K was the highest in CPS. Soil layer nutrient nutrient contents contained: 110.56-158.96 t-C/ha; 4.94-8.06 t-N/ha; 1.04-2.52 t-P/ha; 31.97-96.67 t-K/ha. The available nutrient exist in soil layer was 350.07-451.34 kg-K/ha; 134.99-481.98 kg-Ca/ha; 78.24- 98.95 kg-Mg/ha, respectively.
The purpose of this study was to estimate the soil and litter layer nutrient contents in three stands (natural hardwood, NS; secondary hardwood, SS; and China-fir plantation, CPS) at Hue-Sun forest station. Litter layer (L、F、H) and soil in different layers (0-5, 5-10, 10-15, 15-20, 20-25 cm) were collected every two months for nutrient analysis. Results obtained from this study showed that nutrient contents of litter layers in NS was higher than those in SS and CPS, except that Ca was highest in SS. Litter layer nutrient contents contained: 7.73-24.57 t-C/ha; 352-1312.3 kg-N/ha; 51-262.6 kg-P/ha; 289.7- 1,736 kg-K/ha; 48.4-407.1 kg-Ca/ha; 29.8-124.8 kg-Mg/ha, respectively. Nutrient content of soil layer in NS was also higher than those in SS and CPS, except that K was the highest in CPS. Soil layer nutrient nutrient contents contained: 110.56-158.96 t-C/ha; 4.94-8.06 t-N/ha; 1.04-2.52 t-P/ha; 31.97-96.67 t-K/ha. The available nutrient exist in soil layer was 350.07-451.34 kg-K/ha; 134.99-481.98 kg-Ca/ha; 78.24- 98.95 kg-Mg/ha, respectively.
起訖頁 21-28
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200212 (24:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 綁鈔紙帶之製造
該期刊-下一篇 紙質文物著生褐斑真菌類之分離與鑑別




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