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The Flora of Hue-Sun Forest Station(I)PTERIDOPHYTES
作者 王志強歐辰雄
本研究為筆者數年來對國立中興大學惠蓀林場植物相調查及採集所得之結果,並蒐集整理歷年研究者之成果及各大標本館所藏之標本及紀錄,可知惠蓀林場轄區內經記錄之維管束植物蕨類部份共計有30 科84 屬222種4 亞種15 變種,文中之植物經考據異名後,以臺灣植物誌第二版內所採用之學名為主。 This study is a part of Flora of Hue-Sun Experimental Forest Station, According to the investigation recorded from writers, specimens deposited in the herbaria and other investigators, a total number of 222 species, 4 subspecies, and 15 varieties of the pteridophytes belonging to 84 genera and 30 families were counted at Hue-Sun Experimental Forest Station, NCHU. The scientific names listed in this study are followed the Flora of Taiwan, second edition.
This study is a part of Flora of Hue-Sun Experimental Forest Station, According to the investigation recorded from writers, specimens deposited in the herbaria and other investigators, a total number of 222 species, 4 subspecies, and 15 varieties of the pteridophytes belonging to 84 genera and 30 families were counted at Hue-Sun Experimental Forest Station, NCHU. The scientific names listed in this study are followed the Flora of Taiwan, second edition.
起訖頁 1-14
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200212 (24:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 綁鈔紙帶之製造




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