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Recreation benefit estimation of cherry blossom's season in Ali-shan forest recreation area -A case study of travel cost model
作者 林喻東劉癸君
在本省阿里山森林遊樂區的櫻花季是歷史最悠久的,且也是最著名的一個櫻花季觀光據點之一。本研究欲探討阿里山櫻花季所帶給阿里山森林遊樂區的經濟效益為何,因此主要是利用旅遊成本法中的個人模式來對阿里山森林遊樂區的櫻花季做遊憩效益的評估。本研究資料的蒐集採用問卷訪問法,其訪問時間為民國91 年3 月15 日至4 月15 日止,為期一個月。利用迴歸式取得遊憩需求函數,其所得到消費者剩餘為新台幣1,068.91 元。在本研究中所得到的的結果為旅遊成本增加,旅遊次數會減少,這結果與理論相符合,不過停留時間則與理論不符,有可能是因為有許多遊客會在阿里山森林遊樂區住宿,希望能欣賞到隔天的日出,因此受訪者停留的時間才會與理論不符。 Ali-shan forest recreation area is one of the famous recreation area in Taiwan. The most beautiful scenery occurs in April when cherry trees are in full bloom.The main object of this paper was to use travel cost model to estimate benefit for cherry blossom's season of Ali-shan forest recreation area. The 561 visitors were interviewed from March 15 to April 15 in 2002. The main results were shown that the consumer surplus was NT$ 1068.91 and total benefit for cherry blossom's season of Ali-shan forest recreation area was NT 249,248,433.8 dollars.
Ali-shan forest recreation area is one of the famous recreation area in Taiwan. The most beautiful scenery occurs in April when cherry trees are in full bloom.The main object of this paper was to use travel cost model to estimate benefit for cherry blossom's season of Ali-shan forest recreation area. The 561 visitors were interviewed from March 15 to April 15 in 2002. The main results were shown that the consumer surplus was NT$ 1068.91 and total benefit for cherry blossom's season of Ali-shan forest recreation area was NT 249,248,433.8 dollars.
起訖頁 19-28
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200209 (24:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 利用向量分析評估欖李苗木在不同土壤鹽度下之養分狀態
該期刊-下一篇 深綠花桿紙之顏色配方




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