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Plant Establishment of Lumnitzera racemosa Seedlings in Saltern Pond and Intertidal Zone
作者 薛銘童許博行
本試驗針對荒廢鹽田進行綠化栽植試驗,並對欖李樹種在海邊潮間帶及荒廢鹽田栽植的可行性做探討,以比較欖李在海邊潮間帶及荒廢鹽田復育的成效。至目前的試驗結果顯示,欖李無法適應高鹽分之荒廢鹽田地生長,而海邊潮間帶之生長則需考慮漲潮時,海水是否淹沒植株而定。在淹沒地區因易受污染而無法行正常之生理作用,不易成活;非淹沒區則可生長良好。因此此種紅樹林樹種雖有逐漸內陸化的傾向,然而在海邊潮間帶如慎選栽植地區或以較大苗栽植,仍有復育的機會。 Planting the Lumnitzera racemosa seedlings in saltern pond and intertidal zone to greenery recovery is the study purpose of this experiment. The seedlings of this species cannot grow in saltern site that has high concentration of chloride. Seedlings planted in intertidal zone that seedlings were submerged completely by seawater were also die down, however, that seedlings planted in the area did not submerge completely by seawater will grow well. So, planting the seedlings of Lumnitzera racemosa in proper area or planting larger seedlings in intertidal zone were still a good introducing way to recovery this mangrove species.
Planting the Lumnitzera racemosa seedlings in saltern pond and intertidal zone to greenery recovery is the study purpose of this experiment. The seedlings of this species cannot grow in saltern site that has high concentration of chloride. Seedlings planted in intertidal zone that seedlings were submerged completely by seawater were also die down, however, that seedlings planted in the area did not submerge completely by seawater will grow well. So, planting the seedlings of Lumnitzera racemosa in proper area or planting larger seedlings in intertidal zone were still a good introducing way to recovery this mangrove species.
起訖頁 71-78
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200206 (24:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 惠蓀林場三種林分枯落物養分迴歸量之季節變化




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