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The Cognition and Expectations of Residents in the Neighborhood of Hsin Hua Experiment Forest Station
作者 童秋霞鍾政偉葉美智汪家夷
在森林生態系經營中公眾參與是不可或缺之一環,而且在時代潮流之轉變下,林業行政管理機關在執行政策時需要重視相關利害關係人之意見與態度。新化林場為中興大學之實驗林場,因林場內有私人住宅與土地,附近居民之用水更與林場息息相關,因而新化林場之經營與決策除了需要符合其功能與目標外,亦需要考量到區內私有林主與當地居民之意見與看法。基於此,本研究利用問卷調查來瞭解社區居民對於新化林場功能之認知與期望,以供林場未來經營方向之參考。研究結果顯示大部份受訪者有正確之認知,對於未來之管理策略以劃設為植物園受到大部份受訪者之認同。 It could not be lack of public participation on ecosystem management. Because of the change of the society, forestry administration organizations might pay much attention to attitudes and opinions of stakeholders. Because there are some private houses and lands in Hsin Hua experiment forest station being the experimental forest and the water quality is related to it, it's management and policies not only conform to the functions and goal but also consider the opinions of community residents. So this study explored the cognition and expectations of community residents in Hsin Hua experiment forest station on forests by questionnaire to offer some reference for management in the future. It was found most respondents had right cognition on forests and agreed the establishment of botanic garden in the future.
It could not be lack of public participation on ecosystem management. Because of the change of the society, forestry administration organizations might pay much attention to attitudes and opinions of stakeholders. Because there are some private houses and lands in Hsin Hua experiment forest station being the experimental forest and the water quality is related to it, it's management and policies not only conform to the functions and goal but also consider the opinions of community residents. So this study explored the cognition and expectations of community residents in Hsin Hua experiment forest station on forests by questionnaire to offer some reference for management in the future. It was found most respondents had right cognition on forests and agreed the establishment of botanic garden in the future.
起訖頁 13-20
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200206 (24:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 造林獎勵政策相關問題之探討
該期刊-下一篇 PE-NC semi-IPNs木器塗料(I)塗料之可使用時間及乾燥性




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