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Analyses of Paper Industry Solid Wastes of Taiwan
作者 沈熙巖張豐吉
最近十年本省造紙用纖維原料平均有75% 左右來自回收的廢紙、瓦楞紙箱,在纖維回收與脫墨操作中無可避免的分離出含在其中的廢棄物,加上廢水處理生成的污泥,構成造紙業廢棄物的主要來源。本論文探討此等廢棄物的組成,綜合分析結果如下:製造每噸工業用紙產生之廢棄物數量最多,文化用紙次之,而家庭用紙最少。紙廠廢棄物呈中性,水分含量高。大多數的排渣尚存部分紙團及大量塑膠類等物質。廢棄物之灰分含量低,比重則隨著內含物組成及水分而有相當大的變化(0.2~0.95)。污泥則有相當高的灰分,水分約佔50~70%,比重在0.52~0.76 之間。並由熱值測定評估,排渣適當去水後具有焚燒的可能性,初沉污泥則必須完全乾燥才有燃燒性,二次污泥則難以焚燒。紙廠廢棄物的金屬元素分析則顯示目前對人畜與環境尚無嚴重傷害性。 In last decade, about 3/4 of the fiber used in Taiwan paper mills are recycled from wastepaper and old corrugated containers. Rejects from repulping, deinking operations and sludge from waste water treatments are the major parts of paper mills’solid waste. In the manufacture of liner boards more solid waste are produced, than those of printing and writing papers, and sanitary tissues mills. Those paper industry solid wastes are commonly in neutral pH, and in high moisture content. Most repulping rejects of recycled fiber are high fiber- and plastic-containing, the bulk density varies with their constituents in a broad range between 0.2 and 0.95. Moisture contents of the sludge are in the range of 50-70%, with bulk density ranging from 0.52-0.76. In view to heating value of these solid wastes revealed that rejects and properly dried primary sludge own the possibility of incineration, but secondary sludge is fairly hard to incinerate. Analyses of metal concentration show that recycled paper mill wastes have no apparent adverse effect to the environments.
In last decade, about 3/4 of the fiber used in Taiwan paper mills are recycled from wastepaper and old corrugated containers. Rejects from repulping, deinking operations and sludge from waste water treatments are the major parts of paper mills’solid waste. In the manufacture of liner boards more solid waste are produced, than those of printing and writing papers, and sanitary tissues mills. Those paper industry solid wastes are commonly in neutral pH, and in high moisture content. Most repulping rejects of recycled fiber are high fiber- and plastic-containing, the bulk density varies with their constituents in a broad range between 0.2 and 0.95. Moisture contents of the sludge are in the range of 50-70%, with bulk density ranging from 0.52-0.76. In view to heating value of these solid wastes revealed that rejects and properly dried primary sludge own the possibility of incineration, but secondary sludge is fairly hard to incinerate. Analyses of metal concentration show that recycled paper mill wastes have no apparent adverse effect to the environments.
起訖頁 21-29
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200112 (23:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 紙機線上紙匹之交織與尺寸安定性之關係
該期刊-下一篇 關刀溪森林生態系著生植物基質蟻客昆蟲群聚之多樣性




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