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The Preliminary study of Visitors and Forest Recreation Area Drawing-A case study of Shin Wa Forest Center
作者 黃志堅李明益
在重視經濟、環保兼顧的今日,森林遊樂的地位相對提升,建立森林遊樂區與附近其他遊樂區服務之合理區位關係,是森林遊樂經營追求的目標,本研究以新化林場為實證地點,利用問卷調查,瞭解遊客之旅遊特性、遊憩動機與森林遊樂區類型選擇之關係。結果發現遊客之旅遊特性、遊憩動機不影響其對森林遊樂區類型之選擇。 Nowadays, forest recreation has attracted more attention. The main object in managing forest recreation area is to build up a reasonable relation between forestry recreation area and other services in the neighborhood of forestry recreation area. This research was devoted to investigate the relation among visitors' characteristic, recreation motivation and forestry recreation area types in Shin Wa forest center by means of questionnaire. The results show that both visit characteristic and recreation motivation do not affect visitors' choice in forest recreation area types.
Nowadays, forest recreation has attracted more attention. The main object in managing forest recreation area is to build up a reasonable relation between forestry recreation area and other services in the neighborhood of forestry recreation area. This research was devoted to investigate the relation among visitors' characteristic, recreation motivation and forestry recreation area types in Shin Wa forest center by means of questionnaire. The results show that both visit characteristic and recreation motivation do not affect visitors' choice in forest recreation area types.
起訖頁 59-68
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200012 (22:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 自然資源經營之利害關係人分析--以林務局主管人員之意見為例
該期刊-下一篇 民營林業在永續林業發展之角色探討--私人經營林地使用之影響因素




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