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Study on Streamside Vegetation of Moutan Stream in Moutan, Pingtung Country
作者 葉慶龍 (Ching-Long Yeh)朱榮三
牡丹溪為四重溪上游的支流,位於屏東縣牡丹鄉境內,海拔由石門標高120m上升至發源地東源標高295m,年平均溫度為24°C,年雨量平均為3.347mm。本研究調查結果顯示,區內之植物種類計有273種,隸屬91科,208屬;其中稀有植物計有36種。以15個林分樣區及5項環境因子經降趨對應及列表比較分析法,將牡丹溪濱溪植群分為3型:1.臺灣赤楠-樟葉槭林型(Syzygium formosanim - Acer albopurpurascens type)2.白榕-茄苳林型(Ficus bischofia javanica type)3.十子木林型(Decaspermum gracilentum type)。本研究區植群分化主要受到海拔高度及太陽輻射所影響,而由植群結構顯示,目前次級演替仍在進行,植物社會尚未達到穩定狀態。最後,再依調查分析結果對牡丹溪濱溪植物社會,就合乎生態原則之觀點提出建議,供有關管理單位之參考。 Moutan Scream is a tributary of upper Sichong River located on Moutan, Pingtung Country. It covers an elevation ranging from 120m at Shihman to 295m at Dongyuan. Annual temperature is 24 °C and annual precipitation is 3,347mm. In the plant inventory, there are 91 families, 208 genera, 273 Species, among which 36 species are rare. This research was made to investigate the correlation between vegetation types and environment factors of this streamside vegetation by both the detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and tabular compassion analysis for 15 stand plot and 5 environmental factors were analysised. The vegetation in the streamside area was divided into 3 types: A. Syzygium fromosanum - Acer albopurpurascens type. B. Ficus benjamina – Bischofia javanica tape C. Decaspermum gracilentum type. The differentiation of the vegetation in this streamside area mainly affected by the altitudinal gradient and solar radiation. In view of the vegetation structure, the succession sere of most vegetation type is in processing and has not come into the stable plant community. Finally some suggestion have been made for the reasonable management of this streamside vegetation in the future.
Moutan Scream is a tributary of upper Sichong River located on Moutan, Pingtung Country. It covers an elevation ranging from 120m at Shihman to 295m at Dongyuan. Annual temperature is 24 °C and annual precipitation is 3,347mm. In the plant inventory, there are 91 families, 208 genera, 273 Species, among which 36 species are rare. This research was made to investigate the correlation between vegetation types and environment factors of this streamside vegetation by both the detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and tabular compassion analysis for 15 stand plot and 5 environmental factors were analysised. The vegetation in the streamside area was divided into 3 types: A. Syzygium fromosanum - Acer albopurpurascens type. B. Ficus benjamina – Bischofia javanica tape C. Decaspermum gracilentum type. The differentiation of the vegetation in this streamside area mainly affected by the altitudinal gradient and solar radiation. In view of the vegetation structure, the succession sere of most vegetation type is in processing and has not come into the stable plant community. Finally some suggestion have been made for the reasonable management of this streamside vegetation in the future.
起訖頁 17-31
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 199912 (21:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 欖李耐鹽性的探討
該期刊-下一篇 γ-射線照射應用於紙質文物滅菌之探討




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