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A Study of the Economic Feasibility of the Afforestation All over the Country
作者 陳連勝
台灣地形特殊,地質結構脆弱,又因人口密度過高,土地有超限利用的情況;近幾年來,每遇狂風暴雨,經常發生嚴重土石流,吞噬家園,破壞既有的交通建設,財務損失常以數億元計,終使全體國民深切體會到「無森林即無台灣」的慘痛教訓,「全民造林運動」遂成為朝野關注的焦點。政府各項建設經緯萬端,投入林業建設的財政經費相對有限,林政主管機關預使「全民造林運動」能具體落實,基於機會成本的可量,本研究認為宜秉持下列三項原則,才可望達成全民造林運動的終極目標:1.以受益者付費原則籌措造林基金,2.以受限者得償原則從事環境林之營造,3.以自力更生原則鼓勵私有林造林。 There are Steep topography and fragile geological Structure in Taiwan. The high density or population results in many lands' being exploited illegally. When the tempest happened recently, the serious debris flow swallowed many fields and gardens, destroying many traffic constructions. All of the people finally comprehend 'Maybe Taiwan will disappear without forest.' All the people emphasize the afforestation. Government expenditure on the public constructions is very large and complicated. It is allocated to the forest construction, and it will be relatively limited. Considering the opportunity cost, foresters want to fulfill ''the afforestation all over the country'' and ought to direct three principles: 1. with the principle of beneficiary to pay in order to raise the afforestation funds. 2. with the principle of the restricted to compensate to make the environmental forest, 3. with the principle or self-reliance to stimulate the private forests.
There are Steep topography and fragile geological Structure in Taiwan. The high density or population results in many lands' being exploited illegally. When the tempest happened recently, the serious debris flow swallowed many fields and gardens, destroying many traffic constructions. All of the people finally comprehend 'Maybe Taiwan will disappear without forest.' All the people emphasize the afforestation. Government expenditure on the public constructions is very large and complicated. It is allocated to the forest construction, and it will be relatively limited. Considering the opportunity cost, foresters want to fulfill ''the afforestation all over the country'' and ought to direct three principles: 1. with the principle of beneficiary to pay in order to raise the afforestation funds. 2. with the principle of the restricted to compensate to make the environmental forest, 3. with the principle or self-reliance to stimulate the private forests.
起訖頁 93-112
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 199903 (21:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 新化林場柚木林之植群結構分析




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