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Studies on the Tourist Characteristics and the Impacts on Dakuanshan Nature Reserve
作者 呂金誠張美瓊歐辰雄
本研究在達觀山自然保護區進行問卷調查,共取得有效問卷1,243份,分別為假日組953份,非假日組293份,探討遊客對本區之遊憩經驗及體驗、旅遊動機及目的、擁擠感覺、生態環境衝擊及管制措施等6項,並與旅客基本資料進行交叉分析。結果顯示:遊客年齡層以20~39歲為主,遊客的職業以學生最多,其次為服務業及工人,教育程度以大專者為主,在性別上則無顯著差異。前來本區之旅遊動機主要為對自然之強烈喜好及對紅檜巨木之好奇,旅遊目的以觀賞巨木為主。有17.25%之遊客認為環境遭嚴重破壞,20.16%認為巨木遭嚴重干擾。遊憩體驗之滿意度達83.27%,再度重遊意願為82.95%;擁擠指標假日組為0.13,非假日組為0.03。68.09%之遊客認同本區應當實施人數管制。 Visitor interviews were conducted in October 1995 to January 1996. A total of 1,243 questionnaires were collected in this study. Six main subjects were surveyed including the concept of understanding the environmental impacts of Dakuanshan Natural Reserve, basic visitor information, recreational experience of tourists, motivation and aim of touring, and consciousness of crowding. The results showed that the tourists were concentrated in the 20-39 age group (65.72%). a large proportion (82.14%) or tourists had an education level above high school. and more than half of them had a college education or above. The largest occupational group was in students (28.64%). followed by business of service (19.55%) a1ld labors (15.77%). But there was no significant difference between male and female. The reasons for visiting the Dakuanshan Natural Reserve were firstly to admire the Taiwan red cypress giant trees (90.91%), and secondly to take green shower (85.28%). The motivations of touring included contact with the nature (91.01%), curiosity to the giant trees (79.89%), to take green shower (77.47%) and being invited by friends (70.31%). 83.27% of the tourists were satisfied with their experience and 82.95% of them would like to revisit the Dakuanshan Reserve in the future, 68.09% of tourists were in favor of the control of recreational capacity.
Visitor interviews were conducted in October 1995 to January 1996. A total of 1,243 questionnaires were collected in this study. Six main subjects were surveyed including the concept of understanding the environmental impacts of Dakuanshan Natural Reserve, basic visitor information, recreational experience of tourists, motivation and aim of touring, and consciousness of crowding. The results showed that the tourists were concentrated in the 20-39 age group (65.72%). a large proportion (82.14%) or tourists had an education level above high school. and more than half of them had a college education or above. The largest occupational group was in students (28.64%). followed by business of service (19.55%) a1ld labors (15.77%). But there was no significant difference between male and female. The reasons for visiting the Dakuanshan Natural Reserve were firstly to admire the Taiwan red cypress giant trees (90.91%), and secondly to take green shower (85.28%). The motivations of touring included contact with the nature (91.01%), curiosity to the giant trees (79.89%), to take green shower (77.47%) and being invited by friends (70.31%). 83.27% of the tourists were satisfied with their experience and 82.95% of them would like to revisit the Dakuanshan Reserve in the future, 68.09% of tourists were in favor of the control of recreational capacity.
起訖頁 5-20
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 199903 (21:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 台灣產葡萄科新記錄--白蘝
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣地區混農林葉經濟價值之評估




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