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Two newly naturalized plant species in Taiwan: Astraea lobata and Merremia umbellata
作者 趙建棣 (Chien-Ti Chao)陳柏豪 (Po-Hao Chen)王秋美 (Chiu-Mei Wang)
We report two newly naturalized species-Astraea lobata (L.) Klotzsch and Merremia umbellata (L.) Hallier f. subsp. umbellata in Taiwan. Astraea was a newly recorded genus to the flora of Taiwan and A. lobata was its type species. This species was characterized by its tri-lobed leaves and highly divided styles. In addition, on the reviewing of literature and specimen of Taiwanese Merremia, M. umbellata was recorded by some authors. The only specimen cited by some of them, was contained only one leaf that hardly to recognized as any Merremia species. Besides, the description of this species was more or less scanty in those studies. Thus, this study confi rms the newly naturalization of M. umbellata in Taiwan. Descriptions and photos of two species are provided. 本文報導台灣二種新馴化植物—裂葉巴豆(Astraea lobata(L.) Klotzsch)和繖花菜欒藤(Merremia umbellata(L.) Hallier f. subsp. umbellata)。其中裂葉巴豆屬為台灣新紀錄屬,裂葉巴豆為模式種。本種之區別特徵在於三裂的葉片及多岐的花柱。另外,我們查閱臺灣菜欒藤屬文獻及標本後發現繖花菜欒藤曾紀錄於某些文獻中,但這些研究所引證的唯一一份標本,卻僅有單一葉片而難以鑑定。如此,本研究確認其為臺灣之新馴化種。本文並提供兩者之描述與照片。
起訖頁 285-293
關鍵詞 新馴化植物裂葉巴豆繖花菜欒藤植物分類Astraea lobataMerremia umbellata subsp. umbellatanewly naturalized speciesplant taxonomy
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201712 (39:4期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 氣候變遷情境下臺灣四種單食性蝴蝶之時空分布模擬
該期刊-下一篇 Aster turbinatus S. Moore var. turbinatus (Compositae): A newly recorded species of Matsu




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