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Flowering phenology of entomophilous plants and it Associated with temperature along the East Xue Trail of Xue Mountain in Shei-Pa National Park, Taiwan
作者 潘振彰邱清安曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)郭礎嘉曾喜育
全球暖化下的異常劇變天氣及氣候變遷現象對許多生態系已造成影響,敏感的高山生態系受到的影響更加激烈;因此,雪山高山植物開花物候調查及其與氣候變遷反應的研究是值得深入探討之議題。本研究於2010年調查雪山雪東線步道兩旁的55種蟲媒花植物進行物候調查,分析每月開花植物種數與溫度、降雨之關係,探討海拔及種優勢科內的開花物候;此外,並由55植物中,選取玉山杜鵑等11種植物2010~2011年進行縮時攝影機拍攝紀錄始花期,並計算積溫時數及有效積溫的差異等。調查結果顯示,2010年55種雪山雪東線蟲媒花植物開花物候約在2月底開始,11月中旬結束,5~8月為蟲媒花植物開花物候之高峰期。逐月開花物種數與溫度、降雨呈顯著正相關;逐月開花物種數隨著溫度升高而增加,在最暖月(7月)的開花物種達最高(29種)。薔薇科、杜鵑花科植物是本區開花較早的類群,菊科植物則相對較晚開花。11種植物的始花期在2011年皆較2010年來得晚,其可能受到2011年1~6月的氣溫較2010年低的影響。臺灣草莓、大武貓兒眼睛草、大霸尖山酢醬草、雪山翻白草與玉山薄雪草等5種草本植物的始花期在2年度間開花時間差約1個星期,玉山櫻草與伊澤山龍膽年度間開花時序相差超過20天。玉山杜鵑、紅毛杜鵑、玉山櫻草和高山翻白草等4 種植物在2年度間的積溫累積時數與有效積溫差異相對較小,可能顯示此類植物對溫度較敏感,而伊澤山龍膽屬於雪山特有分布,此5種植物可提供作為雪山高山生態系氣候變遷與全球暖化下開花物候長期監測觀察研究的物種選擇。 Its sensitive alpine ecosystems are greatly affected by the global warming phenomena that results in abnormal weather patterns and climate change. Thus, alpine plant flowering phenology and responses to climate change are worthy of detailed study. This study focused on the flowering phenology of 55 entomophilous plant species along the East Xue Trail of Xue Mountain in the Shei-Pa National Park. We analyzed the relationship between the number of monthly flowering species and temperature and rainfall as well as flowering phenology according to altitude and relative species within the dominate family. In addition, between 2010 and 2011, we also compared the date of first flowering (DFF), cumulative hours (CH), and effective accumulated temperature (EAT) of 11 alpine plant species. The 55 entomophilous plant species' flowering began at the end of February and ended in mid-November; most plant species flowered from May to August in 2010. The number of flowering species each month was significantly and positively correlated with raised temperature and rainfall and the most number of species (29 species) bloomed in the warmest month, July. Rosaceae and Ericaceae family plants bloomed earlier (spring to summer) in the study area, while Compositae plants flowered relatively late (summer to fall). Comparing DFF of 11 alpine plant species between the years 2010 and 2011, flowering occurred later in the year in 2011. This may be due to the temperature between January and June being lower in 2011 compared to 2010. Among the seven studied perennial herbs, Primula miyabeana and Gentiana itzershanensis bloomed > 20 days later in 2011 than in 2010 whereas other species bloomed approximately 7 days later. The differences in CH and EAT received by six species of Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum as well as Rh. rubropilosum, Pr. miyabeana, G. itzershanensis, and Potentilla matsumurae var. pilosa were smaller than those received by five other species between the 2 years, 2010 and 2011. These results suggest that in species, such as Rh. pseudochrysanthum, flowering was more sensitive to temperature and that they could be used as an indicator species of climate change and global warming in the Taiwan alpine ecosystem.
起訖頁 159-176
關鍵詞 開花物候始花期積溫時數有效積溫高山生態系flowering phenologydate of first flowercumulative hourseffective accumulated temperaturealpine ecosystem
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201709 (39:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 關刀溪三種不同森林生態系土壤和土壤水中無機離子
該期刊-下一篇 恆春半島關山毛柿林之植群研究




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