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Production and marketing channels on green bamboo shoots (Bambusa oldhamii) in Taiwan
作者 陳財輝王仁汪大雄
Due to the favorable climate and environment for the bamboo growth, Taiwan has rich and diverse bamboo resources with an area of 183,330 ha in 2014. Among them, green bamboo (Bambusa oldhamii) is an important species with great economic values in bamboo shoots. In this paper, we investigated the production and the marketing channels on green bamboo shoots in Taiwan. Results showed that 8 cites and counties produced green bamboo, among them, the cultivation area of green bamboo in Tainan City was largest about 1,874 ha in 2013, with the next in New Taipei City about 1,600 ha. The amount of bamboo shoots produced in Tainan City was biggest about 15,701 tons in 2013, followed by New Taipei City about 6,400 tons. The average price of green bamboo shoots was highest in the beginning of production season and decreased a half from April to November. The net profits of lead farmers were higher about two times than normal cooperative members. Four types of green bamboo shoots marketing channels are available in Taiwan. In north area close to urban district, for example, Bali, Sanxia and Wugu in New Taipei City, the major market channel was through the auction market by farmers and local shippers and then directly ship to local markets. However, in the rural area, for example, Fuxing in Taoyuan City, the major products were first shipped to Taipei Fruits and Vegetables Wholesale market, and then to retailers. In southern area, except for directly ship to local markets, most bamboo shoots were through cooperatives northwardly shipped to Taipei Fruits and Vegetables Wholesale market, and then to retailers. However, the way through hyper retail chains (i.e., internet) was increasing in recent years. 由於適宜之天氣和生長環境,台灣擁有充沛之竹林資源。到2014年台灣共有183,330 ha竹林面積。綠竹(Bambusa oldhamii)林多分布於臺灣淺山地區,是台灣重要之經濟竹種之一。其竹筍美味,營養價值高,竹筍收穫為竹農重要的收入來源。本研究探討台灣綠竹竹筍之生產和銷售通路。研究結果顯示台灣有8個縣市生產綠竹竹筍,栽培面積在2013年以台南市之1,874 公頃最多高,其次為新北市之1,600公頃,同年生產量以台南市生產量15,701噸為最,其次為新北市之6,400噸,可見台南市和新北市是台灣生產綠竹竹筍之重要地區。竹筍銷售方式有4種通路,竹農選取方式隨產地有異。北部地區接近都會地區之鄉鎮如新北市八里、三峽和五股,大都透過農會由竹農與集貨商以拍賣方式進行現場交易,再由集貨商送至當地或鄰近鄉鎮傳統市場銷售,運銷通路層次簡單。但離都會地區較遠之鄉鎮如桃園縣復興鄉,因當地人口稀少,絕大多數之竹筍必須運至台北果菜市場集中銷售。南部地區除部分竹筍在南部果菜市場銷售外,大多數之竹筍都南筍北送,運至北部果菜市場集中銷售。此外,竹農自行接單或由農會協助透過網路直銷之方式,近年有增加之趨勢。
起訖頁 43-55
關鍵詞 綠竹市場通路合作組織green bamboomarketing channelcooperatives.
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201703 (39:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 遊客對於生態旅遊之願付價格與環境態度之探討--以墾丁社頂部落為例
該期刊-下一篇 臺東太麻里溪堤內洪氾區八種闊葉樹種造林之初期生長表現及施肥效應




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