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Flora and Avicennia marina Population Structure of Cai Yuan Wetland in Penghu County
作者 戴湘瑩陳璿宇范貴珠王志強
本文針對澎湖縣菜園濕地之植相以及紅樹林進行研究。植相部分共調查記錄有維管束植物 71科180屬230種,其中包含12種稀有植物與77種外來植物,以禾本科植物28種最多、其次為菊科24 種與豆科20種。澎湖決明為調查之唯一澎湖地區特有種;銀合歡、巴西胡椒木、布袋蓮、馬纓丹、南美蟛蜞菊等同時被列為世界百大外來種及世界性雜草。菜園濕地紅樹林分布面積約為1.2 ha,以海茄苳為優勢,平均樹高為1.7 ± 0.7 m,平均地徑4.2 ± 3.5 cm。菜園濕地水質鹽度介於22.1- 29.2psu,且因興仁水庫之淡水注入,調節鹽度值而使海茄苳生長良好。本研究結果提供澎湖縣菜園濕地之基礎植相資料以及紅樹林生長之現況資料,供日後紅樹林復育之管理參考。 The structure of fl ora and mangroves in Cai Yuan Wetland in Penghu County was studied. There were recorded 230 species, 180 genera, and 71 families of vascular plants, including 12 rare species and 77 exotic species. The most of them were in the Family Poaceae with 28 species, following the Family Asteraceae with 24 species and the Family Fabaceae with 20 species. The only one endemic species of Penghu recorded in this study was Cassia sophora var. penghuana. In our record, all of Leucaena leucocephala, Schinus terebinthifolius, Eichhornia crassipes, Lantana camara, and Wedelia trilobata were revealed on the list of world fi rst 100 alien species and weeds. The mangroves in Cai Yuan Wetland occupied about 1.2 ha with the dominant Avicennia marina, average 1.7 ± 0.7 m in height and 4.2 ± 3.5 cm in ground diameter. The salinity of Cai Yuan Wetland was 22.1~29.2‰. Besides, the freshwater input from Xingren Reservoir provided suitable salinity for Avicennia marina growth. This study provided the basic information of physiognomy and mangrove growth in Cai Yuan Wetland as reference for management and restoration of the mangroves.
起訖頁 59-71
關鍵詞 菜園濕地植相紅樹林族群結構Cai Yuan wetlandFloraMangrovePopulation structure
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201606 (38:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 阿里山石棹地區石竹林分結構及生物量




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