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Vegetation Ecology along Varus River to Nantawushan in Pingtung County
作者 陳璿宇戴湘瑩王志強
本研究於中央山脈南段之瓦魯斯溪至南大武山區調查木本植物社會85個250 m2 樣區,並評估8項環境變數。目的為建立植物資源清單及植群資料,並瞭解影響植物社會分化之環境因子及各植群型之多樣性差異。結果共記錄維管束植物706種植物,其中46種為稀有植物。透過雙向指標種分析將木本植物社會劃分為四型;分別為水錦樹-白匏仔型、瓊楠-長葉木薑子型、紅淡比-長尾柯型及厚葉柃木-臺灣鐵杉型。木本植物社會之海拔分布在榕楠林帶呈現擴張現象,高海拔鐵杉林帶則有下降傾向,而使位於其中之楠櫧林帶及櫟林帶海拔呈壓縮現象。利用典型對應分析得出木本植物社會中,影響植物組成的環境變數係以海拔高度、土壤pH值、土壤含石率、地形位置、全天光空域、直射光空域及方位最重要。瓊楠-長葉木薑子型在Shannon、Simpson、Berger多樣性及均勻度指數經由單因子變異數分析後皆顯著高於其他植群型。本研究結果可供大武山自然保留區經營管理及保育利用之參考。 There were 85 woody vegetation plots(250 m2 ) setting along Varus River on the southern Central Mountain Range to the Nantawushan area and 8 terms of environmental factors were evaluated in this study. The aims of this study was trying to establish a list of the plant resources, the vegetation data, and figuring out how the environmental factors differentiating the vegetation and the diversity among the different vegetation types. The result showed 706 species of vascular plants recorded, including 46 rare species. The vegetation community was classified into 4 types by the two way indicator species analysis(TWINSPAN), which were Wendlandia uvariifolia - Mallotus paniculatus type, Beilschmiedia erythrophloia - Litsea acuminata type, Cleyera japonica - Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii type, and Eurya glaberrima - Tsuga chinensis var. formosana type. The subtropical broad-leaved forest formation on the low altitude expanded and the cold-temperate coniferous forest formation on the high altitude went down, so that the warm-temperate broad-leaved forest formation was compressed by altitude. Through the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), altitude, soil pH, stoniness, topography, whole light sky space, direct light sky space, and aspect were significantly related to the composition of vegetation community. Besides, the Shannon, Simpson, and Berger diversity indices and evenness indices of the Beilschmiedia erythrophloia - Litsea acuminata type showed significant higher than other vegetation types by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The study result of this research could provide management and conservation for Tawushan Nature Preserve.
起訖頁 5-20
關鍵詞 瓦魯斯溪南大武山植群多樣性Varus RiverNantawushanVegetationDiversity
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201603 (38:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 Piper sarmentosum (Piperaceae), a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan
該期刊-下一篇 九種戶外用材之物理力學性質及其抗生物劣化性評估




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