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The Effects of the Outdoor Education Program,“Forest Backpacker Hostel” on Elementary School Higher Grades' Environmental Education at Neishuangxi Nature Center
作者 賴羿鳴曾喜育曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)
本研究旨在評估內雙溪自然中心戶外教學方案之「森林背包客棧」課程,瞭解此課程之執行現況及參與學童的學習成效。方法採用前實驗設計裡的單組前測─後測設計,透過前測問卷與後測問卷瞭解參與國小高年級學童之學習成效以及其對戶外教學的想法與期待。研究結果顯示,參訪前的學童對於此次戶外教學方案期待能實際進入森林體驗並看見森林裡的植物,並且在呼吸新鮮空氣的同時,亦能汲取新知識;在參與「森林背包客棧」課程方案後,對於學童的生態知識與環境態度及行為意向上的提升皆有明顯助益。當學童較喜愛閱讀大自然動物與植物書籍或收看相關電視節目,其行為意向較佳,且學童多喜歡此次戶外教學方案活動且願意再次參加。本文最後根據研究結果,針對內雙溪自然中心的課程發展提供後續研究建議。 This study was carried on the evaluation of the outdoor education program, “Forest Backpacker Hostel” of Neishuangxi Nature Center, including the circumstance in the center's curricula and the students' learning performance. The pre- and post-test questionnaires were used to evaluate the learning performances and expectations of higher grades students of elementary school students. The results revealed that most students expected to see some plants in forest and for fresh air, also got some new information before joining “Forest Backpacker”. After “Forest Backpacker”, most students scored higher significantly compared their pretest results in knowledge, attitude and behavior. Besides, when students have more interest of reading and watching TV program about nature, they could get better score in learning performance. Overall, most students enjoyed the program and expressed their strong willingness to participate similar outdoor education. According to the results, the findings could provide Neishuangxi Nature Center as the reference for its program development and for further research.
起訖頁 181-193
關鍵詞 環境態度課程評估學習成效情境教學Environmental AttitudeEvaluationLearning AchievementSituated Teaching
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201509 (37:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 思源埡口地區植群組成及多樣性
該期刊-下一篇 不同光度處理對於咖啡苗木形質與生理反應的影響




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