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Forest Vegetation survey by Systematic Sampling in Central Taiwan: A Case Study in National Forest Working Circle of Nantou Forest District
作者 李祈德 (Chi-Te Lee)曾喜育曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)
本研究利用第四次全國森林資源調查,南投林管處所轄223個系統取樣的樣區調查資料,排除其中58個非森林植物社會樣區,將165個森林樣區進行植群物種組成與分類分析。共計調查木本植物57科131屬236種,以樟科25種占最多;物種組成中,臺灣特有種有75種,瀕臨滅絕有2種,易受害有2種。矩陣群團分析結果區分出山黃麻林型、香楠林型、長葉木薑子林型、霧社木薑子林型、假長葉楠林型、野桐--山埔姜林型、青剛櫟林型、臺灣肉桂林型、木荷林型、赤柯--長尾栲林型、臺灣杜鵑林型、狹葉櫟林型、紅檜林型、臺灣鐵杉林型、臺灣冷杉林型、臺灣二葉松林型、臺灣雲杉型、稜果榕林型、香青林型等19個植群型。降趨對應分析與典型對應分析顯示,研究區的植群分布主要受海拔、全天光空域、水分指標及平均年雨量等環境因子影響,而以海拔的影響最大。 On the basis of the Fourth National Forest Resource Inventory data from the Nantou Forest District Office, the study analyzed 165 of 223 Systematic sample plots, excluding 58 non-forest ones, for vegetation composition and classification. It investigated 236 species of woody plants, including 57 families and 131 genera. Among them, the Lauraceae (25 species) Family contains most species. Also, 75 species are endemic, 2 species are endangered, and 2 species are vulnerable. By using Matrix cluster analysis, plant communities are classified into 19 major vegetation types, namely the Trema orientalis type, Machilus zuihoensis type, Litsea acuminata type, Litsea elongata var. mushaensis type, Machilus japonica type, Mallotus japonicas-Buddleja asiatica type, Cyclobalanopsis glauca var. glauca type, Cinnamomum insularimontanum type, Schima superba type, Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii-Cyclobalanopsis morii type, Rhododendron formosanum type, Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides type, Chamaecyparis formosensis type, Tsuga chinensis var. formosana type, Abies kawakamii type, Pinus taiwanensis type, Picea morrisonicola type, Ficus septica type, and Juniperus squamata type. In addition, the results of detrended correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis indicate that altitude, whole light sky, moisture gradient, and annual precipitation have influence on vegetation composition, with the altitude the most influential.
起訖頁 69-84
關鍵詞 第四次全國森林資源調查系統取樣植群調查矩陣群團分析Fourth National Forest Resource Inventory Vegetationsystematic samplingvegetation surveyMatrix cluster analysis
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201506 (37:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 Oenanthe thomsonii C. B. Clarke (Umbelliferae) a Newly Recorded Plant in Taiwan
該期刊-下一篇 面對退化地之抉擇:被動的自生演替恢復vs.主動的人為生態復育




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